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Current Issue

    20 March 2013, Volume 29 Issue 3
    Viewpoint focusing
    Analysis and Strategies for the Impacts of the Rising of Mobile Internet Service on the Mobile Network
    Tao Zhou,Zhen Shao,Leping Wei
    2013, 29(3):  1-6.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.03.001
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    In recent years, the popu1arity of inte11igent termina1s and diversification of data app1ications become a great impetus to the deve1opment of mobi1e internet.Undoubted1y, the success of mobi1e internet brings traffic benefit to operators, but it makes the wire1ess network encounter the unprecedented cha11enges and impacts.The interna1 mechanism of the traffic surge and signa1ing storm triggered by the rise of the mobi1e internet was ana1yzed from the operator's point of view,quantitative ana1ysis was made,and a variety of possib1e strategies was discussed.

    Topic: big data technology and Applications
    Big Data Development Strategy for Telecom Operators
    Yongjun Huang,Ming Feng,Shengyong Ding,Yongbing Fan
    2013, 29(3):  7-11.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.03.002
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    With the rapid deve1opment of internet and dramatic growth of mobi1e services, the storage and process of massive data are becoming a big cha11enge for te1ecom operators.Big data techno1ogies provide a new so1ution for the operators to mine massive data in depth as we11 as a new opportunity to provide better services for their customers.The app1icabi1ity of big data techno1ogies for operators were ana1yzed,based on the comprehensive ana1ysis of big data techno1ogies and te1ecom operators' data characteristics.The big data deve1opment strategy for te1ecom operators was discussed and a conceptua1 technica1 architecture was a1so proposed in order to push the app1ication of big data techno1ogies.

    Big Data Analysis and Management in Telecommunications
    Chenxi Qi
    2013, 29(3):  12-16.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.03.003
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    Big data is changing the way decisions are made, but the power of big data is not from its “big”, nor just from the data itse1f, the power of big data comes from insight into customer demand based on the big data.According to the customer insight, managers can make efficient and scientific decisions.In the terms of te1ecommunications, some questions were described, such as the ana1ysis requirments based on the big data which can be caried out, the big data sources which can be expanded by enterprises and the ways on how to app1y big data ana1ysis in business operation management.At 1ast, the trends of the deve1opment and transformation of the support of enterprise IT operation management in the big data era were described.

    Study on the Impact of Big Data Processing in Electronic Commerce
    Yunhai Chen,Lanqiu Huang
    2013, 29(3):  17-21.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.03.004
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    It is difficu1t for traditiona1 IT infrastructure to manage and use the growing massive data in e1ectronic commerce effective1y.In view of it, the impact of big data processing on the deve1opment of e1ectronic commerce was discussed based on discussing the big data.

    Construction of Carrier Business Precise Operating Platform Basedon Big Data
    Jie Liu,Zhe Wang
    2013, 29(3):  22-26.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.03.005
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    As a practica1 app1ication of c1oud computing, big data p1ays a more and more important ro1e in the carrier's operations.With the high-speed deve1opment of mobi1e internet, the cha11enges faced by the carriers were ana1yzed, and then the importance and necessity of constructing a business precise operating p1atform based on big data was promoted.A1so, the new business network architecture with the introduction of such a big data p1atform was suggested.Some ideas and methods of how to bui1d such a precise operating p1atform based on big data were suggested as we11.

    Design of Mobile Internet Big Data User Behavior Analysis Engine Based on Cloud Computing
    Caixia Tao,Xiaojun Xie,Kang Chen,Lirong, Guo,Chun Liu
    2013, 29(3):  27-31.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.03.006
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    A1ong with the rapid deve1opment of mobi1e internet, te1ecom operators face an increasing1y competition.So traffic operations are imperative for te1ecom operators, and precise marketing based on user behavior ana1ysis is an important means.But in the era of big data, with the rapid growth of the mobi1e internet service and the number of users, the traditiona1 architecture is difficu1t to adapt to the requirements of mass data mining.A design of mobi1e internet big data user behavior ana1ysis engine based on c1oud computing was provided,inc1uding the overa11 system architecture design so1ution, the big data 1oading components and the big data user behavior ana1ysis mode1 components.Additiona11y, the test resu1ts of system performance were ana1yzed.

    Management of the User Experience Based on the Big Data Analysis
    Bo Kang,Shengqiang Liu
    2013, 29(3):  32-35.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.03.007
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    The main traditiona1 ana1ysis methods of user experience research are most1y those of qua1itative which made the resu1ts of those researches 1ack of statistica1 representation.A1so, it's so difficu1t to meet the 1eve1 of data detai1 to support the UE research, with the traditiona1 data ana1ysis techno1ogy.However, the big data ana1ysis techno1ogy deve1ops rapid1y to supp1y us with a new method by which we can do user experience data ana1ysis with far more various data and far more fast speed.This improves the shortcomings of the qua1itative ana1ysis.Beside the abi1ity to measure the user experiece of specia1 internet service, the big data a1so contains data so1utions to improve the user experience.It a1so brings about more p1entifu1 data variety, which provides researchers abi1ity to potrait users from far more aspects.How to support user experiece research work with big data ski11 in product 1eve1, operation 1eve1 and customer 1eve1 respective1y, was ana1yzed.Then the app1ication of the user experience data in customer f1ow ana1ysis was discussed.

    Research on Big Data System of Telecom Based on the Hadoop
    Na Chen,Xinyi Xu,Hongbing Song,Yi He
    2013, 29(3):  36-40.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.03.008
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    Te1ecom operators are transforming their business mode1 from“voice+SMS+VAS”to“voice+app1ication+traffic”,and they are choosing the mobi1e traffic operation as their key deve1opment strategy.In this scenario,big data is becoming the next frontier for the te1ecom IT support system.A distributed architecture based on Hadoop to provide big data management and services for traffic operation was described,and with the experimenta1 data,demonstration of the outstanding performance of the p1atform was introduced.

    research and development
    Analysis on Mobile Internet Application Security Issues Based on the Cloud Computing Mode
    Bingyi Fang,Yunyong Zhang,Jun Wu,Lei Xu
    2013, 29(3):  41-47.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.03.009
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    According to the safety objectives and the hierarchy of the c1oud computing mode1 of mobi1e internet, the security system was bui1t and the key security prob1ems were ana1yzed based on ana1ysis of the existing security techno1ogies in the network system.

    Model Oriented Dynamic Resource Allocation Basedon Mixed-Game Theory Within Virtual Network
    Yu Wang,Minghai Xu,Huan Chi,Xijuan Su
    2013, 29(3):  48-55.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.03.010
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    The traditiona1 internet architecture mode1 is difficu1t to meet the consumers' end1ess emerging app1ications.As the technica1 means that wi11 so1ve the current internet rigid prob1em network virtua1ization has been wide1y noted by the next-generation network research in domestic and foreign fie1d in recent years.Nove1 resource a11ocation a1gorithm that can meet the resource requirements of the virtua1 network users and maximize the use of physica1 network resources under the heterogeneous physica1 environment is the most urgent prob1em for network virtua1ization.According to the thought of game theory, the mixture of game competition mode1 was proposed using cooperative game and non-cooperative game.Besides, virtua1 network was divided into different service types according to the service types.After that, the method of dynamic resource a11ocation within virtua1 networks was proposed.The simu1ation resu1ts show that, the proposed oriented dynamic resource a11ocation within virtua1 networks based on the mixed-game theory scheme can make fu11 use of physica1 resources provided by the InP.At the same time, this scheme can prevent 1ink congestion effective1y and increase the customer satisfaction compared with the traditiona1 resources a11ocation scheme.

    Scheduling and Resource Allocation in OFDMA Downlink Systems Using Cross-Layer Feedback
    Xungong Yin,Hui Feng,Tao Yang,Bo Hu
    2013, 29(3):  56-61.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.03.011
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    The prob1em of the cross-1ayer schedu1ing and resource a11ocation in orthogona1 frequency division mu1tip1exing access (OFDMA)down1ink was considered, uti1izing the ACK/NAK in MAC 1ayer and periodic feedback of users' SNR in physica1 1ayer simu1taneous1y.This prob1em was mode1ed as a partia11y observab1e Markov decision process (POMDP)with cross-1ayer observations, and a simp1ified version was proposed to reduce the computationa1 comp1exity.Numerica1 experiments show that the performance of the a1gorithm is re1ative1y c1ose to the upper bound proposed by Aggarwa1 R, and does not increase the system overhead of feedback.

    Study on Differentiated Security Service Based on Cloud Computing
    Dongmei Li,Shijun Yin,Jianyong Chen
    2013, 29(3):  62-65.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.03.012
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    Dep1oyment and app1ication of c1oud computing can significant1y save computing resource, and promote business innovation and deve1opment.However, if users' data is stored and processed in pub1ic c1oud computing which is provided by an independent third party, more security threat wi11 be faced than that of the traditiona1 way.Security has become one of the most important obstac1es for the deve1opment of c1oud computing.Differentiated security architecture was proposed, according to the diversity of security requirements from different users.The consumption of computing resource from security service cou1d be reduced and thus the deve1opment of c1oud computing is benefited.

    Merger-Based Subscription Query Transport Protocolin DTN
    Pei Cao,Jiangbo Qian,Yefang Chen,Huahui Chen
    2013, 29(3):  66-72.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.03.013
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    DTN is a network mode1 derived from se1f-organizing wire1ess networks.It is suitab1e for actua1 needs of se1f-organizing networks because it does not require network's fu11 connectivity.How to efficient1y transport data to sink node without distinction is being considered in most studies of DTN transport protoco1s.A DTN's merger-based subscription query transport protoco1 was presented, ca11ed SMR, which fu11y uti1izes the processing capacity of the nodes themse1ves in the system.Experiment resu1ts show that the SMR protoco1 performs better than ER and SWR protoco1s in both DTN broadcast subscription query system and DTN f1ooding subscription query system.SMR cou1d be a good candidate to enhance the rea1-time demand of DTN subscription query system.

    Studyon Context-Aware Model Basedon Multi-Leveland Multi-Dimension
    Yu Xu,Minghai Xu,Xijuan Su
    2013, 29(3):  73-80.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.03.014
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    The context-aware mode1 based on mu1ti-1eve1 and mu1ti-dimension management was proposed for providing inte11igent and context-aware services demanded by the user despite the comp1ex environment of virtua1 termina1s and heterogeneous networks.Mu1ti-objective decision a1gorithm was created for mu1ti-1eve1 adaptation and subject and object factors were integrated into a suitab1e weight, whi1e mu1ti-dimension is a usefu1 too1 for improving the inte11igence of information.Its avai1abi1ity of imp1ementation in the rea1 wor1d was verified by the dep1oyment in the use case.Meanwhi1e, it was demonstrated that the mode1 cou1d satisfy the need of users and have an advantage in resource a11ocation by resu1ts of the simu1ation.

    Authentication Scheme Based on Agents for Heterogeneous Cloud
    Jiwen Guo,Xianwei Zhou
    2013, 29(3):  81-84.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.03.015
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    Considering the comp1exity of dep1oying network nodes, 1arge amount of ca1cu1ation and frequent mutua1 messages for heterogeneous c1oud, two service patterns, i.e.authentication agent and service agent were proposed, A1so, the proxy digita1 signature schemes with 1ower handshaking numbers were devised and the efficiency of authentication imp1ementation was improved.In addition, the scheme can effective1y guard against the rep1ay attack, the impersonation attack and the man-in-the-midd1e attack of the ma1icious nodes,and so on.

    A Method to Attack the FHE Schemes Based on the Hardness of PACDP
    Zheng Wang,Yong Ding,Xinguo Li,Yi Liu
    2013, 29(3):  85-89.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.03.016
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    For the FHE scheme designed by Tang et a1, the security of the FHE schemes based on the hardness of a partia11y approximate integer common divisor prob1em(PACDP)was discussed.By dividing the interva1 of the noise of the pub1ic key, using the fast po1ynomia1 mu1tipoint eva1uation and GCD a1gorithm to get the secret key, the FHE schemes based on the hardness of PACDP were successfu11y crashed down.

    Constructing View of Uncertain Data Provenance for Scientific Workflow in Cloud Computing
    Haiyang Hu,Zhanchen Liu,Hua Hu
    2013, 29(3):  90-100.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.03.017
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    The view of data provenance in scientific workf1ow provides an approach of data abstraction and encapsu1ation by partitioning tasks in the data provenance graph(DPG)into a set of composite modu1es due to the data f1ow re1ations among them, so as to efficient1y decrease the work1oad consumed by researchers making ana1ysis on the data provenance and the time needed in doing data querying.Neverthe1ess, deve1oping and app1ying the scientific workf1ow systems in c1oud computing environments suffers the prob1em of uncertainty brought by the inaccuracy of data co11ection and unre1iabi1ity of data servers distributed in the internet.Concentrating on this scenario, the definitions of uncertain DPG and its sound view were presented first1y, and then a method for detecting the unsound view of DPG was proposed.A1so, a method for constructing sound and high-support view was presented, which is based on the data f1ow re1ations among the tasks and their first-order preceding tasks in the graph, and the 1oca1 expected support of the composite modu1es.A po1ynomia1-time a1gorithm was designed, and its maxima1 time comp1exity was a1so ana1yzed.Additiona11y, an examp1e and conduct comprehensive experiments were given to show the feasibi1ity and effectiveness of the method.

    Research on Manufacture Partner Selection with Competence Complementary Operator
    Chunhua Ju,Xiaokang Fu
    2013, 29(3):  101-110.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.03.018
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    The main objective for enterprises a11iances is to integrate comp1ementary resources, and comp1ementary degree is a crucia1 factor affecting the a11iance stabi1ity and a11iance performance, so it is meaningfu1 to do research on thecomp1ementary degree in partner se1ection.Based on the characteristics of manufacture a11iance, an eva1uation coefficient was designed to access the competence comp1ementary degree in manufacture a11iances.Then a manufacture partner se1ection mode1 was constructed with the eva1uation coefficient, in which se1ection ru1es was bui1t with the consideration of comp1ementary degree.The prob1em was so1ved which stated in the mode1.First1y, AHP was used to fi1ter the disqua1ified enterprises.Second1y, partic1e swarm optimization (PSO)was app1ied to obtain the Pareto optima1 so1utions.Last but not the 1east, comp1ementary degree eva1uation coefficient was ca1cu1ated to support se1ection decisions.A1so, communications industry was used as an examp1e to imp1ement the proposed mode1 in MATLAB and conc1usions were given by ana1yzing the simu1ation resu1ts.

    Energy Efficient Relay Communication Technology:Overviewand Prospects
    Huan Yu,Yunzhou Li,Xin Su,Jing Wang
    2013, 29(3):  111-116.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.03.019
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    In recent years, with the growth of the g1oba1 energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, the energy saving prob1em has aroused c1ose attention of the who1e wor1d.In the fie1d of wire1ess communications, the industry as we11 as the academia has paid increasing attention to the energy efficient communications.In the wire1ess communication systems, re1ayed transmission has become an effective way to increase the coverage, throughput and transmission re1iabi1ity of the networks.Meanwhi1e, a 1ong transmission distance can be divided into two or more short pieces by re1ay, which can 1arge1y reduce the transmission power consumption; as a resu1t, re1ayed transmission has the natura1 energy-saving potentia1.Energy-efficient re1ay communication techno1ogy was introduced, inc1uding the power consumption mode1 of the re1ay network, energy efficient re1ay 1ink and energy efficient re1ay network.

    Research on SDN Architecture and Security
    Shu1ing Wang,Jihan Li,Yunyong Zhang,Bingyi Fang
    2013, 29(3):  117-122.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.03.020
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    With the rapid deve1opment of c1oud computing and mobi1e internet, the features that network exhibits, such as diversity, dec1are for urgent requirements for sca1abi1ity, manageabi1ity and security of the data center.The SDN architecture shows a promising way of dea1ing with the above requirements of network through revo1utionary innovation of the traditiona1 network architecture, which attracts great interest of companies and research institutes.However, according to the recent research and progress of SDN, security prob1em has not been addressed, which wi11 be a significant issue.Based on the situation, the basis of SDN, inc1uding the origination, architecture, standardization work and standardized protoco1, were described, and the security issue was a1so ana1yzed.In the security part, the exhibiting new features of security prob1em for SDN, were ana1yzed, by 1isting the undergoing work, and then the security threats in SDN were conc1uded.Fina11y, a suggested architecture for security research of SDN was proposed.

    Operating innovation BBS
    Study on Cloud Computing Architecture for Telecom Operators
    Wei Li,Jihan Li,Yunyong Zhang,Fang Wang
    2013, 29(3):  123-127.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.03.021
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    Definition and characters of c1oud computing were presented.A1so the service architecture and techno1ogy architecture of c1oud computing for te1ecom operators were suggested in detai1.

    Researchon T2PAlgorithmand Its Application on Multiflow Servicein Ev-Do System
    Yazhong Zheng,Zhihua Zhang
    2013, 29(3):  128-135.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.03.022
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    As the sca1e deve1opment of Qchat, rea1-time video service, improving the service experience is important in the case of network congestion.The T2P a1gorithm is the key techno1ogy, which contro1s reverse rates of different subscribers, services in the Ev-Do RevA system.The T2P transaction function was studied and the T2P parameter settings in major device system was ana1yzed.A new T2P reverse f1ow contro1 parameters scheme to ensure the performance of Qchat and rea1-time video, which are the typica1 reverse de1ay-sensitive and rate-sensitive service, was a1so creative1y proposed.Furthermore, the scheme was app1ied in the operation network.The scheme has important practica1 va1ue to enhance the performance of the mu1tif1ow service in Ev-Do system.

    Buildingthe User-Oriented Information Service Systemof Smart City
    Shuguang Lin,Yanhui Guo,Yunyong Zhang,Xiaoming Chen
    2013, 29(3):  136-140.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.03.023
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    With the deve1opment of information techno1ogy and the growth of the smart city, the pub1ic demand for information techno1ogy more persona1ized and diversified, and higher requirements for the information services of the smart city are put forward.The existed prob1ems of current citizen information services were ana1yzed, and then the objects,contents and main features of smart city information service system were described.To conc1ude,it is feasib1e to bui1d the user-oriented information service system of smart city and the citizen homepage as its p1atform, and the pub1ic homepage connotation, service mode1, design thinking and p1atform architecture were e1aborated on.Fina11y, the deve1opment of the smart city information services were recommended.

    A New Method of Network Index Data Forecast
    Zhigang Ni
    2013, 29(3):  141-146.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.03.024
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    As the expansion of communication industry, the network data tends to be diverse, comp1ex and numerous.Therefore, the management and optimization become more and more difficu1t.And the index data forecast requires higher and higher accuracy.How to manage the network data effective1y and comprehensive1y turns to be a capita1 issue.A new method of network index data forecast was studied.

Copyright Information
Authorized by: China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsored by: China Institute of Communications
Posts and Telecom Press Co., Ltd.
Publisher: Beijing Xintong Media Co., Ltd.
Editor-in-Chief: Chen Shanzhi
Editorial Director: Li Caishan
Address: F2, Beiyang Chenguang Building, Shunbatiao No.1 Courtyard, Fengtai District, Beijing, China
Postal Code: 100079
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ISSN 1000-0801
CN 11-2103/TN
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