Journal of Communications and Information Networks, 2018, 3(2): 58-65 doi: 10.1007/s41650-018-0015-4

Research papers

Energy-Efficient Joint User Association and Power Allocation in Relay-Aided Massive MIMO Systems

Jing Chen,, Hongbin Chen,, Feng Zhao,

Key Laboratory of Cognitive Radio and Information Processing, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China

Corresponding authors: Hongbin Chen,

作者简介 About authors

Jing Chen was born in Shandong Province, China in 1989 She received the B E degree in communication engineering from Taishan University, China in June 2014 and the M E degree in communication and information systems from Guilin University of Electronic Technology in June 2017 Her research is focused on energy efficiency in relay-aided massive MIMO systems ,

Hongbin Chen was born in Hunan Province, China in 1981 He received the B E degree in electronic and information engineering from Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing, China, in 2004 and the Ph D degree in circuits and systems from South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China, in 2009 From October 2006 to May 2008, he was a Research Assistant with the Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China From May 2015 to May 2016, he was a Visiting Scholar with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore He is now a Professor with the School of Information and Communication, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin, China His research interests include energy-efficient wireless communications ,

Feng Zhao was born in Shandong Province, China in 1974 He received the Ph D degree in communication and information systems from Shandong University, China in 2007 He is now a Professor with the School of Information and Communication, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, China His research interests include wireless communications, signal processing, and information security ,


Energy efficiency is an important metric for downlink transmission in an amplify-and-forward relayaided massive multiple-input multiple-output system, but has not been well investigated. In this work, considering the characteristics of such a system and quality-of-service requirements of users, the energy-efficient joint user association and power allocation problem is studied. First, the closed-form expression of system energy efficiency under the proportional fairness criterion is derived. Then, the proportionally fair utility of system energy efficiency is maximized under constraints of minimum signal-to-noise ratio requirements of users and maximum transmit powers of the base station (BS) and relay stations. As it is difficult to solve this optimization problem directly due to its mixed-integer and non-convex features, the original problem is decomposed into a user association sub-problem and a power allocation sub-problem. For the former, optimum user association is determined by solving a Lagrangian dual problem with a sub-gradient algorithm; for the latter, optimum transmit powers of the BS and each relay station are determined by using Newton’s method. Finally, a sub-optimal solution of the original problem is obtained by a low-complexity iterative algorithm. Simulation results show that the proposed joint user association and power allocation algorithm can offload the traffic of the BS effectively, keep the BS and relay stations operate at low power levels, and improve the system energy efficiency significantly, compared with user association-only schemes.

Keywords: massive MIMO ; relay ; energy efficiency ; user association ; power allocation

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Jing Chen. Energy-Efficient Joint User Association and Power Allocation in Relay-Aided Massive MIMO Systems. [J], 2018, 3(2): 58-65 doi:10.1007/s41650-018-0015-4


The standardization process of 5G is being acceleratedcurrently and it is expected to come into commercial use in 2020.5G promises to provide very high data rates(typically of the order of Gbit/s), extremely low latency, a manifold increase in network capacity, and significant improvement in users’ perceived quality-of-service (QoS)[1]. As energy and environmental issues have become increasingly important, future network functions should not be gained at the expense of increasingly high energy costs; thus, energy conservation will be another feature of 5G[2]. Massive multiple-input multipleoutput(MIMO)and relaying not only have great advantages in improving spectral efficiency(SE), they also have great potential in energy savings as well. Both are recognized as promising technologies for realizing green 5G[2].

Massive MIMO, featuring the incorporation of massive antennas and three-dimensional (3D) beamforming, enhances the multiplexing gain among multiple users and significantly improves SE and energy efficiency(EE)without additionally increasing the site density or bandwidth[3,4]. Relaying, especially the most popular amplify-and-forward(AF)relaying method considered in this paper, which simply amplifies the received signal and forwards it to its destination, can maintain the communication QoS with low power levels at both the transmitter and the receiver and improve the transmission integrity at the same power level. Additionally, it features low cost, high flexibility, and conventional installation, all of which make relaying a green, cost-effective alternative in expanding cell coverage, enhancing indoor communication QoS, and eliminating dead zones. It is known that 5G is to exploit the higher frequency band—millimeter wave, for example. However, there are two fatal flaws in millimeter wave communications: 1)fast signal attenuation; 2)weak penetrating ability[1]. To overcome these barriers and accomplish the aims of 5G in such frequency bands, AF relay-aided massive MIMO systems—the integration of massive MIMO and AF relaying—are a promising solution.

Remarkably, for relay-aided massive MIMO systems, the circuitry power consumption of a base station(BS)equipped with massive MIMO antennas increases linearly with the number of antennas. In addition, the relay transmission not only makes the network topology further complicated, but also requires additional time and power resources[5]. How to harvest gains provided by relay-aided massive MIMO systems without increasing resource consumption is a critical issue. In general, power allocation is the focus of resource management in relay-aided massive MIMO systems, and user association, as an important part of resource management, also has a profound impact on system performance; moreover, they influence each other. For these reasons, the design of an energyefficient joint user association and power allocation(JUAPA) scheme is of great interest in relay-aided massive MIMO systems.

The research on AF relay-aided massive MIMO systems has been sparse, let alone energy-efficient resource management in such systems. However, existing works have adopted multiple ways of resource management to enhance the EE of massive MIMO systems[6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16], which greatly benefit our work. For instance, in Ref. [6], the joint design of a BS dynamic switch and user association to maximize the EE of massive MIMO systems was investigated. The work in Ref. [7]focused on wireless power transfer in massive MIMO systems through exploiting renewable resources to achieve the goal of energy conservation. The SE and EE in massive MIMO systems were analyzed in Refs. [8,9,10]. User association has been treated as a critical method to promote the EE of massive MIMO systems in Refs. [11,12,13]. Energy-efficient JUAPA design in massive MIMO systems was studied in Refs. [14,15].

Note that all the above works assumed a two-tier system where one BS equipped with massive MIMO antennas is underlaid with other types of access points. To the best of our knowledge, the EE of downlink transmissions in AF relayaided massive MIMO systems has not been investigated yet, and an AF relay is very different from other access points in transmission characteristics. Motivated by this, the JUAPA problem in an AF relay-aided massive MIMO system is studied towards maximizing the system EE under the proportional fairness criterion. The main contributions of this paper include the following two aspects: 1)When maximizing the proportionally fair utility of system EE in the AF relay-aided massive MIMO system with JUAPA, practical constraints such as QoS requirements of users and maximum transmit powers of BS and relay stations(RSs)are taken into account; 2)To solve the mixed-integer non-convex joint optimization problem, an iterative algorithm is developed, where the original problem is separated into a master user association problem and a lowerlevel power allocation problem, which are solved by the Lagrangian dual decomposition method and Newton’s method, respectively.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section Ⅱ introduces the AF relay-aided massive MIMO system model. In section Ⅲ, the energy-efficient JUAPA problem is formulated, and an iterative algorithm is designed to solve the optimization problem. Section Ⅳ presents some simulation results and section V concludes the paper.

Notations: The bold italic case x represents a column vec-tor, the bold upper case A represents a matrix, p represents the p-norm, and E{·}represents the expectation operator.


Consider an AF relay-aided massive MIMO system where a BS equipped with a large-scale array of M antennas together with N single-antenna AF RSs are randomly deployed within the cell range serving K single-antenna mobile stations(MSs, which are also called users in the following)with uniform dis-tribution, as shown in Fig.1. Let B={1, 2, …, N} denote the set of RSs and B0=0∪B denote the set of BS and RSs, and j∈B0. Without loss of generality, j=0 refers to the BS. The BS and RSs share the same frequency band. The set of all MSs is denoted by U ={1, 2, …, K}, and i∈U. The transmission power vector of BS and RSs is denoted by P =[p0, p1, p2, …, pN], which is adjustable, and the upper limit of p j is pjmax. S denotes the maximum number of down-link data streams that the BS can transmit simultaneously on any given resource block with equal power allocation. In prac-tice, the total number of users associated with the BS is always larger than S, and equal resource sharing among users associ-ated with the BS is assumed. The massive MIMO regime is referred to as the case where 1SM. The system band-width W is normalized to 1 Hz.

For AF relaying, the time-division duplex operation is assumed with the reciprocity-based channel estimation and perfect channel state information. Because two-hop half-duplex AF relaying is adopted, the downlink transmission process is divided into multiple time slots and each consists of two equal sub-slots. In the first sub-slot, all RSs and a portion of the users associate with the BS for data transfer(the first-hop link); and the rest of MSs (users) associate with RSs in the second sub-slot. It is assumed that each RS can only communicate with one user at a time and the BS can simultaneously communicate with all users. To formulate the user association problem, the association index is denoted by xi j. When user i is associated with the BS or the RS j, xi j =1; otherwise, xi j=0.

Figure 1

Figure 1   AF relay-aided massive MIMO system

A. Data Rate of Users Associated with the BS

In the massive MIMO regime, small-scale fading disappears with the infinitely increasing number of antennas at the BS, and linear zero-forcing beamforming is utilized to further eliminate intra-cell interference. Thus, the achievable downlink data rate ri j of user i associated with the BS can be approximated as[11]


where γi j is the corresponding effective signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Following the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR)derivation in Refs. [11,14]and treating RSs as special MSs in the first sub-slot, we have


where gi j is the large-scale fading channel power gain between the BS and user i, and σ 2 is the noise power.

Similarly, the achievable downlink data rate r0 j of relay j associated with the BS is


and the corresponding received SNR of relay j denoted as γ0 j is[11,14]


where g0 j is the large-scale fading channel power gain between the BS and relay j.

B. Data Rate of Users Associated with RSs

The remaining users associated with RSs receive the amplified signal forwarded by AF relays in the second sub-slot. The signal received at RS j and the signal received at user i associated with it can be respectively expressed as[17]



where h0 j is the channel coefficient from the BS to RS j, xi is the signal sent from the BS to user i, and E{xi2}=1, n j is an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) with zero mean and variance σ 2. β j is the amplifying gain of relay j. Here, βj=pj/(p0|hoj|2+σ2)=pj/(pogoj+σ2), where g0 j=|h0 j|2, and it satisfies βjpjmax/(pogoj+σ2), hi j is the channel coefficient from RS j to MS i, ni is an AWGN with variance σ 2, and U1 is the set of users associated with the BS in the first sub-slot. Then, the achievable downlink data rate ri j can be expressed as


where γi j is the SNR received at user i associated with relay j, which is given by


where gi j=|hi j|2 is the large-scale fading channel power gain between RS j and user i.

C. Power Consumption Model for the Massive MIMO BS

The power consumption model in Ref. [16]is adopted in this paper, which articulates how the total power consumption of BS scales with the number of antennas M:


where ε0 is the power amplifier efficiency, cm, 0 and cm, 1 are coefficients. The details of these coefficients can be found in subsection Ⅱ-B of Ref. [16]. The total power consumption includes the power consumption in transceiver chains, coding and decoding modules, channel estimation and precoding modules, and architectures, as detailed in Ref. [16].

D. Power Consumption Model for Single-Antenna RSs

For the power consumption model of RSs, the conventional linear power consumption model in Ref. [18]is adopted, which is composed of the static part pjsta and the adaptive part pjadp. For AF relays, pjadp=βj/εjE{yj2}=pj/εj. Hence, the power consumption of RS j denoted as pjtotal is defined as[17]


where ε j is the power amplifier efficiency of RS j. pjsta is linear to the radiated transmit power of RS j, and pjsta is related to the power consumption in transceiver chains.


A. Problem Formulation

The EE(in bits/Joule)of user i associated with the BS or RS j is defined as rij/pjtotal. Note that maximizing the total EE within a system will result in extremely unfair throughput allocation as was shown in Ref. [19]. To avoid this, the EE proportional fairness criterion in Ref. [19]is adopted, where the utility of user i associated with the BS or the RS j is defined as ωij=log(rij/pjtotal). The logarithmic function is concave and hence has diminishing benefits, which encourages allocation fairness and load balancing. The challenge is seeking the optimal user association matrix X and the optimal power allocation vector P with certain realistic constraints that maximize the overall system utility. Thus, the optimization problem is formulated as follows:



where constraints c1 and c2 ensure that each user can only choose one transmission mode: BS-MS or BS-RS-MS; c3 ensures the number of users associated with an RS does not exceed 1 from the relay perspective; c4 indicates the transmit power constraint of the BS or an RS; the SNR constraint is given by c5 and γmin is the minimum received SNR required by users in the downlink transmission.

Next, we attempt to solve the joint optimization problem P0.However, it is difficult to obtain the globally optimum solution for its mixed-integer and non-convex features. To obtain a sub-optimal solution, the method is to decompose the problem P0 into two sub-problems: the master user association sub-problem P1, and the lower-level power allocation sub-problem P2, and then obtain a sub-optimal solution with an iterative algorithm. The user association matrix X is first derived under fixed transmit powers, and then, power allocation is performed under the given X to further promote the system EE. Accordingly, the two sub-problems are





where xij is the solution obtained from solving P1.

B. Solving the User-Association Sub-Problem

To solve P1, the Lagrangian dual decomposition method is adopted. When P is fixed, first an auxiliary variable kj=iUxij is introduced to represent the actual number of users associated with the BS. Denote K=[k0,k1,kN]. The transformed problem P1. 1 is





To achieve the optimal solution of P1. 1, the Lagrangian function can be obtained as






where λ j and µi are non-negative Lagrange multipliers. Thus, the corresponding dual function is represented by






The dual problem with respect to λ and µ can be rewritten as


The maximization of the Lagrangian function has the following analytic solution:




This indicates that user i will choose to associate with either the BS or the RS j. Next, by setting∂gk(λ)/∂k j=0, kj can be derived as


To obtain the optimal solution of g(λ, µ), the non-negative Lagrangian multipliers λ and µ can be updated with the subgradient method as



where t represents the tth iteration, and δ(t)is the step size. With the updated λ j(t)and µi(t), xi j(t)and k j(t)can be updated accordingly via Eqs. (16)-(18). Because the dual problem is always convex, the sub-gradient method is guaranteed to converge to the global optimum of the dual problem P1. 2.

C. Solving the Power Allocation Sub-Problem

Next, the power allocation sub-problem is solved under the obtained optimal user association matrix X. To solve P2, Newton’s method in Ref. [20]is utilized to search for a suboptimal solution.

First, note that the constraint c5 determines the minimum transmit power required at the BS or an RS. Solving the equations for p j below, one can obtain pjmin:


so that


Before utilizing Newton’s method, an auxiliary variable ri j=log(1+γi j)is introduced. The objective function of P2 can be rewritten as



It is clear that f1(P) is a function of p0, and f2(P) is a function of p0 and p j. To simplify the process of the first-order and second-order partial derivatives with respect to p0, it is assumed that the QoS of users associated with RSs is mainly contributed by the transmit power at RS p j. Therefore, the effect of p0 is ignored and we have


One can then derive 2f1(P)/p02 and 2f2(P)/pj2, and substitute them into Eq. (24).

Then, Newton’s method is adopted to update the transmit power p j as


where δ(t)is the step size and∆p j is in the ascending direction. Here the incremental updating direction is chosen as


It is known that the key to finding the global minimizer of the function p j(t)+δ(t)∆p j is to choose an ideal step size δ(t). In this work, the popular back-tracking approach is applied to search for the proper step size δ(t).

D. Sub-Optimal Iterative Algorithm

Based on the previous analysis, a sub-optimal solution of the joint optimization problem can be obtained by an iterative algorithm for JUAPA with the logarithmic utility of the system EE, which is summarized in Algorithm 1.

Algorithm 1 Joint user association and power allocation

1: Initialize P(0), λ(0), and μ(0), calculate r˜ij for all i and j, set the iteration index t=0;

2: Repeat;

3: Solve sub-problem P1. 1 to obtain optimal X(t) when P(t) is fixed;

a)calculate X(t) from Eq. (16);

b)calculate K(t) from Eq. (18);

c)update λ(t+1) from Eq. (19);

d)update μ(t+1) from Eq. (20);

4: Update P(t+1) with fixed X(t) according to Eq. (25)by the backtracking line search for the step size;

5: t=t+1;

6: Until convergence.

In Algorithm 1, the two sub-problems P1 and P2 are solved in an iterative manner until convergence. Specifically, the outer-layer iteration computes X with a given P, while the inner-layer iteration computes P with the specific X. Note that as long as the goal of JUAPA in each iteration is to maximize the same objective function, Algorithm 1 is guaranteed to converge.


In this section, the theoretical analysis presented in previous sections is verified by MATLAB simulations. As shown in Fig.2, in the simulation scenario, a circular flat area with 500 m radius is depicted, where the BS is located at the center, 20 RSs are evenly located on a circle at a distance of twothirds the radius from the BS, and 100 users are uniformly distributed. The model of large-scale fading channel power gain is borrowed from Ref. [11], where the path loss of the BS-MS link in dB is specified as pl1=128. 1+37. 6 lg d(km) and the path loss of the RS-MS link is specified as pl2 =140.7+36. 7 lg d (km). Then, the corresponding large-scale fading channel power gain is derived by gio=pl1+z(σBS2) and gij=pl2+z(σBS2), j> 0.Specifically, z(σBS2) and z(σBS2) represent shadow fading generated from the log-norm Gaussian distribution with standard deviations σBS and σRS, respectively. Coefficients for power consumption under the linear zero-forcing beamforming scheme are set as c0, 0=4×10−3, c1, 0=4. 8×10−3, c2, 0=2. 08×10−8, c0, 1=1×10−3, c1, 1=9. 5×10−8, and c2, 1=6. 25×10−8[16]. The BS has M antennas and serves a user set with maximum size S=M/10.The remaining simulation parameters are listed in Tab.1.

Figure 2

Figure 2   Illustration of station deployment simulation

Table 1   Simulation parameters

maximum transmit power of BS45 dBm
maximum transmit power of RS36 dBm
γmin−40 dB
pstaj1.36 W
σBS6 dB
σRS4 dB
σ2−96 dBm

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The performance under the proposed JUAPA algorithm is compared with those of user association-only schemes including the proposed user association, max reference signal received power user association(Max RSRP UA), and Max SNR UA from several different perspectives.

Fig.3(a)shows the geometric mean of EE versus the number of antennas mounted at the BS. In the simulation, the step size is set as δ(t)=1/t. The sub-gradient method and Newton’s method in the proposed JUAPA algorithm achieve fast convergence with less than 50 iterations, and the outermost iterative algorithm converges in less than 5 iterations. Note that the proposed JUAPA algorithm performs best in terms of the EE metric, whereas the proposed UA scheme performs worst and exhibits wide swings, which demonstrates that the JUAPA design for the AF relay-aided massive MIMO system is of great significance. Although the EE under the proposed JUAPA algorithm declines slowly after reaching its peak value, it is still superior to the others, which can be attributed to its capability to maintain low power consumption. The third point to note is that the EE will not continue to increase with an increasing number of antennas because the circuitry power consumption for a large number of antennas is non-negligible at the BS, which restricts the EE from infinitely increasing with the number of antennas.

Fig.3(b) shows the number of users associated with the BS versus the number of antennas at the BS, which can di rectly reflect allocation fairness under the proposed JUAPA algorithm from another viewpoint. Note that under the Max RSRP UA scheme, the number of users associated with the BS continues to increase, and soon, all users associate with the BS, which results in extremely unfair occupation and enormous waste of resources at RSs. The number of users associated with the BS under the Max SNR UA scheme is fixed, whereas the number of users associated with the BS under the proposed JUAPA algorithm is significantly lower, which validates that the proposed JUAPA algorithm can achieve better load balancing than the conventional Max RSRP UA/Max SNR UA schemes because of its proportionally fair utility in the objective function.

Figure 3

Figure 3   Performance comparison of proposed JUAPA algorithm and user association-only schemes: (a)EE versus the number of antennas; (b)the number of users associated with BS versus that of antennas; (c)total power consumption versus the number of antennas

In Fig.3(c), the trend of total power consumption with respect to the number of antennas at the BS is shown. It is observed that total power consumption rises steadily with an increasing number of antennas, but the gap between the proposed JUAPA algorithm and the Max SNR UA scheme is large, which further indicates that the joint optimization algorithm can significantly reduce power consumption and elevate the EE owing to efficient power allocation.

Fig.4 shows the transmit powers at the BS and RSs versus the number of antennas at the BS. Obviously, compared with user association-only schemes with p0=20 W and p j=1 W, transmit powers at the BS and RSs achieved by the proposed JUAPA algorithm remain at low levels. The average transmit power of an RS is about 0.3 W. Combining with Fig.3(a), note that even if the transmit powers at the BS and RSs are low, the EE obtained by the proposed JUAPA algorithm is high. The reason is that the system SE rises rapidly with an increasing number of antennas at the BS in the early stage, which exceeds the growth rate of power consumption; whereas the situation completely reverses in the late stage with low levels of transmit powers and an increasing number of antennas. Thus, there exist an optimum number of massive MIMO antennas in the AF relay-aided massive MIMO system under the proportional fairness criterion applicable to system EE. From Fig.3(a), the optimum number of massive MIMO antennas is about 150.

Figure4 Transmit powers at BS and RSs versus the number of antennas


The EE of downlink transmissions in an AF relay-aided massive MIMO system has been investigated from the JUAPA perspective. The proportionally fair utility of the system EE was maximized while guaranteeing QoS requirements of users and applying transmit power constraints on the BS and RSs. This optimization problem was solved by decomposing it into a user association sub-problem and a power allocation sub-problem. A low-complexity iterative algorithm was designed to seek a sub-optimal solution of the original problem. Simulation results verify that the proposed algorithm can achieve better load balancing and a higher system EE than user association-only schemes, and keep the BS and RSs operate at low power levels. Moreover, the number of massive MIMO antennas has a significant impact on the system EE and there exist an optimum number of massive MIMO antennas that maximize the proportionally fair utility of the system EE.

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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