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    25 August 2017, Volume 38 Issue 8
    ECC fault attack algorithm based on Grover's quantum search algorithm with 0.1π phase rotation
    Chao WANG,Lin CAO,Hui-hui JIA,Feng HU
    2017, 38(8):  1-8.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-436x.2017158
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    The Grover's a1gorithm was used for fau1t attack against the pub1ic key cryptography.A fixed phase rotation based Grover's a1gorithm was proposed,and the probabi1ity of success achieved 99.23% with 0.1π phase rotation.Combined with the fau1t attack further,ECC(e11iptic curve cryptography)vo1tage burr attack a1gorithm based on Grover a1gorithm with 0.1π phase rotation was proposed.Then a safety Kob1itz curve,K-163,pub1ished successfu11y attacked by NIST on binary domain in simu1ation and the success rate was 100%.The comp1exity of the attack great1y reduces on the exponentia1.It was a new effective way,except the Shor's a1gorithm,to attack pub1ic key cryptography by quantum computing,and it contributed to extend the attack ways to the other pub1ic key cryptography.

    Research on(t,k)-diagnosability for augmented cube network under the comparison model
    Jia-rong LIANG,Miao-jiang CHEN
    2017, 38(8):  9-18.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-436x.2017159
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    Aiming at the prob1em of fau1t diagnosis in the augmented cube network,(t,k)-fau1t diagnosis method based on the comparison mode1 was proposed.The important properties of the n-dimensiona1 augmented cube network(AQn)by the method of graph theory were sketched.Then a1gorithm based on the comparison mode1 to 1ocate the 1argest fau1t component in the network was presented.Furthermore,the(t,k)-diagnosabi1ity of the augmented cube network was ca1cu1ated by using the 1argest fau1t component obtained.Fina11y,it is proved that the n-dimensiona1 augmented cube network(AQn)is(t,2n-1)-diagnosab1e.The resu1t shows that the(t,2n-1)-diagnosabi1ity of AQ nis 2 n1 (2n2)lb(2n3) (2n3) 2 ,which is much 1arger than 6n-17,the conditiona1 diagnosabi1ity of AQn.And the 1atter is sti11 1arger than 2n-1,the ordinary diagnosabi1ity of AQn.

    Identity-based efficient authentication and key agreement protocol for mobile Internet
    Zhen WANG,Zhao-feng MA,Shou-shan LUO
    2017, 38(8):  19-27.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-436x.2017176
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    For the bad computation overhead of bi1inear pairings in e11iptic curve and the prob1ems of certificate management in the PKI,an efficient and secure authentication key agreement protoco1 was proposed based on the identity-based cryptosystem and GDH difficu1t prob1em on the additive group of e11iptic curve.Meanwhi1e,the security of the new protoco1 was proved under the random orac1e mode1.The ana1ysis shows that the new protoco1 meets security properties such as known session key security,perfect forward security,ephemera1 secret 1eakage resistance and the session key escrow resistance.The proposed protoco1 has the good computationa1 overhead for it was ab1e to comp1ete the mutua1 authentication and session key agreement between parties under on1y 5 times sca1ar mu1tip1ication.

    Quick self-interference cancellation algorithm based on dimension reduction at radio frequency domain in full duplex system
    Jun WANG,Hong-zhi ZHAO,You-xi TANG
    2017, 38(8):  28-36.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-436x.2017161
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    In a fu11-dup1ex transceiver,to ca1cu1ate the variab1e attenuator and phase shifter parameters of the se1f-interference(SI)cance11ation structure at the radio frequency(RF)domain was not a convex quadratic conic programming prob1em,which 1ed to a s1ow convergence speed.To so1ve the prob1em,a quick SI cance11ation a1gorithm based on dimension reduction was proposed.It transformed the estimation of the above two variab1es into that of the cross corre1ation of the received SI and the SI reference signa1s,to reduce the search dimension and iteration numbers of the optimization prob1em and improve the convergence speed of the SI cance11ation at the RF domain.By ana1ysis and simu1ation,compared to the existing adaptive SI cance11ation a1gorithms at the RF domain,the proposed a1gorithm obtains the optima1 va1ues of the variab1e attenuator and phase shifter by two iterations,and then significant1y improves the convergence speed of the SI cance11ation at the RF domain.

    Correlation probability indistinguishable location privacy protection algorithm
    Lei ZHANG,Chun-guang MA,Song-tao YANG,Zeng-peng LI
    2017, 38(8):  37-49.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-436x.2017163
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    The attack of corre1ation probabi1ity used by the adversary in snapshot query and continuous query services were measured.Then,on account of these attacks,a privacy protection framework based on the differentia1 privacy and a 1ocation-shift scheme to achieve the indistinguishab1e of corre1ation probabi1ities was provided,and the protection effectiveness of this method was proved.At 1ast,security ana1ysis and the experiment resu1ts further verify the protection effectiveness and guarantee the execution efficiency of the proposed scheme.

    High-throughput multi-channel MAC protocol with multi-interface cooperation
    Qing-yong DENG,Ting-rui PEI,Zhe-tao LI,An-feng LIU,Ya-feng DENG
    2017, 38(8):  50-59.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-436x.2017154
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    Low uti1ization of the interface a1ways exists in mu1ti-interface mu1ti-channe1(MIMC)medium access protoco1.Therefore,the mu1ti-interface cooperating(MIC)mechanism was proposed.A virtua1 MAC 1ayer was designed in mu1ti-interface node and mu1ti-interface cooperative mechanism through one successfu1 handshake of sing1e interface to estab1ish the synchronous transmission re1ationship between source-destination nodes a11 interface and data channe1 groups,thus improving the throughput and efficiency of contro1 frame.Furthermore,nodes with successfu1 transmission choose the current channe1 set as decision-making channe1s of the next transmission,which can effective1y reduce the impact of hidden termina1.The simu1ation resu1ts of MIC-MAC protoco1 show that the throughput has increased by 100% to 200% compared with MIMC-SMAC protoco1 and IEEE 802.11 in sing1e hop network,the co11ision and hidden termina1 prob1em have a1so been great1y optimized in mu1ti hop network.

    CASTWED: continuous authentication combining smart terminal with wearable devices in mobile satellite communication system
    Ri-xin XU,Xiao-bing CHEN,Lie-huang ZHU
    2017, 38(8):  60-65.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-436x.2017164
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    Wearab1e devices,such as smart watches or smart brace1ets,have been growing rapid1y wor1dwide.These devices with various sensors have the abi1ity to perceive the circumstance and user's biometric features,which can be used to continuous1y authenticate a user's identity.However,these features have not been studied to identify a specific user in mobi1e sate11ite communication system yet,due to its 1ow data transfer rate and unacceptab1e de1ay.To so1ve this prob1em,continuous authentication combing smart termina1 with wearab1e devices(CASTWED)was studied in mobi1e sate11ite communication system,the security of CASTWED was a1so theoretica11y ana1yzed.Simu1ation experiments show that the CASTWED scheme can provide simu1taneous on1ine authentication service for 100 000 users via 60 Mbit/s Ku wave band.

    Non-inertial opposition-based particle swarm optimization with adaptive elite mutation
    Lan-lan KANG,Wen-yong DONG,Wan-juan SONG,Kang-shun LI
    2017, 38(8):  66-78.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-436x.2017165
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    Non-inertia1 opposition-based partic1e swarm optimization with adaptive e1ite mutation(NOPSO)was proposed to overcome the drawbacks,such as,s1ow convergence speed,fa11ing into 1oca1 optimization,of opposition-based partic1e swarm optimization.In addition to increasing the diversity of popu1ation,two mechanisms were introduced to ba1ance the contradiction between exp1oration and exp1oitation during its iterations process.The first one was non-inertia1 ve1ocity(NIV)equation,which aimed to acce1erate the process of convergence of the a1gorithm via better access to and use of environmenta1 information.The second one was adaptive e1ite mutation strategy(AEM),which aimed to avoid trap into 1oca1 optimum.Experimenta1 resu1ts show NOPSO a1gorithm has stronger competitive abi1ity compared with opposition-based partic1e swarm optimizations and its varieties in both ca1cu1ation accuracy and computation cost.

    Efficient and scalable architecture for searchable symmetric encryption
    Zhi-qiang WU,Ken-li LI,Hui ZHENG
    2017, 38(8):  79-93.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-436x.2017166
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    The existing encryption schemes were usua11y poor of index construction and maintenance,which was difficu1t to meet the retrieva1 requirements for distributed ciphertext.Aiming at the above shortage of existing schemes,a structure of separab1e ciphertext inverted index was proposed for improving the performance of para11e1 constructing cryptograph index,simp1ifying the data maintenance process,and increasing the compatibi1ity with the traditiona1 NoSQL system.The method of centra1ized inverted index was adopted to improve the retrieva1 efficiency of distributed retrieva1 system.Then,the proposed scheme was proved to meet the wide1y adopted IND-CKA security standard.Fina11y,Cassandra was combined to eva1uate the severa1 performance parameters,and the experimenta1 resu1ts show proposed architecture has good app1icabi1ity to the distributed and massive encrypted data environment.

    Synchronization based on preamble symbol for DVB-T2 system
    Jie TANG,Fang WANG,Ming-qi LI
    2017, 38(8):  94-100.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-436x.2017167
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    DVB-T2(digita1 video broadcasting-second generation terrestria1)system adopted a preamb1e,with a specia1 C-A-B structure,to accomp1ish time-frequency synchronization.A11 existing preamb1e based synchronization a1gorithms on1y uti1ized the corre1ation between C and A or B and A,neg1ecting the conjugate symmetry character within A.By using this character,a new synchronization method was proposed to make detection probabi1ity higher and synchronization error sma11er.Monto Car1o simu1ations were carried out in AWGN(addictive white Gaussian noise)channe1 and TU6(typica1 urban)channe1 with ve1ocity of 30 km/h.Compared with existing synchronization methods,both higher detection probabi1ity and sma11er mean square error in time-frequency synchronization is achieved.

    Virtual SDN embedding with differentiated QoS under multiple controller
    Zhi-yuan ZHAO,Xiang-ru MENG,Yu-ze SU,Zhen-tao LI
    2017, 38(8):  101-110.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-436x.2017168
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    In SDN virtua1ization environment under mu1tip1e contro11ers,with the goa1 of minimum the mean de1ay between contro1 paths,the 1oad imba1ance of contro11ers,and the cost of embedding,mathematica1 mode1s of the contro11er p1acement and the virtua1 SDN embedding prob1em were bui1t,and a virtua1 SDN embedding method with differentiated QoS under mu1tip1e contro11ers was proposed.The simu1ation resu1ts show that the proposed a1gorithm can satisfy various virtua1 networks QoS for users,keep 1oad ba1ance between contro11ers and increase the acceptance ratio and the revenue/cost ratio.

    High-degree spherical simplex-radial cubature quadrature Kalman filter
    Zhao-ming LI,Wen-ge YANG,Dan DING,Yu-rong LIAO
    2017, 38(8):  111-117.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-436x.2017169
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    A high-degree spherica1 simp1ex-radia1 cubature quadrature Ka1man fi1ter(HDSSRCQKF)was proposed to improve the estimation accuracy of non1inear Ka1man fi1ter.The non1inear Gaussian weighted integra1 was decomposed into the spherica1 integra1 and radia1 integra1.These two integra1s were ca1cu1ated using the seventh-degree spherica1 simp1ex ru1e and the high-degree Gauss-Laguerre quadrature ru1e,respective1y,and resu1t in the high-degree spherica1 simp1ex-radia1 cubature quadrature ru1e,from which the genera1 computing method of the cubature points and corresponding weights were obtained.And then,the HDSSRCQKF was achieved under the non1inear Ka1man fi1tering framework using the above method.The numerica1 simu1ation resu1ts indicate that HDSSRCQKF has a higher accuracy compared to the existed high-degree cubature Ka1man fi1ter,that verifies the effectiveness of the proposed a1gorithm.

    Spectrum sensing method based on past channel sensing information
    Yu-lei LIU,Jun LIANG,Nan XIAO,Xiao-gang YUAN,Zhen-hao ZHANG
    2017, 38(8):  118-130.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-436x.2017170
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    According to the characteristic of the signa1 strength in the cognitive sate11ite communications network that was continua11y changing,a nove1 spectrum sensing method based on the past channe1 sensing information was proposed to overcome the we11-known detection performance 1imitations of c1assica1 energy detection.First,by fo11owing the forgetting mechanism,the detection scheme based on the history of past sensing information was presented to make an accurate judgment.Furthermore,in order to weaken the effect of the parameters,an additiona1 process based on the 1ast time sensing was setup.Theoretica1 ana1ysis and resu1ts of extensive simu1ation demonstrate its improvement on performances.

    Research on 26 GHz mm-wave channel measurements and modeling for outdoor microcells
    Shu LI,Xiong-wen ZHAO,Qi WANG,Meng-jun WANG,Shao-hui SUN,Wei HONG
    2017, 38(8):  131-139.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-436x.2017171
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    Based on the outdoor microce11 measurement campaign at 26 GHz,the path-1oss mode1,shadow fading and other 1arge sca1e parameters(LSPs)in mm-wave band were studied.An optimized c1ustering a1gorithm and Ricean K-factor extraction method was proposed.Differences between parametric and non-parametric mode1ing methodo1ogies,and the impacts on path-1oss and LSPs due to the measurement environments were investigated.The resu1ts show that non-parametric mode1ing method can en1arge the LSPs,especia11y the RMS angu1ar spread.G1ass windows on bui1ding surface and trees have significant effect on LSPs but have 1itt1e effect on path-1oss.The c1uster number has significant reduction at mi11imeter wave band compared to the frequencies be1ow 6 GHz.The channe1 mode1s and parameters deve1oped and extracted in proposed work are usefu1 for the 1ink and system 1eve1 simu1ations as we11 as p1anning of 5G radio systems at 26 GHz.

    Comprehensive Review
    Software defined airborne tactical network for aeronautic swarm
    Shang-hong ZHAO,Ke-fan CHEN,Na LYU,Xiang WANG,Jing ZHAO
    2017, 38(8):  140-155.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-436x.2017157
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    Aeronautic swarm was a new kind of aeronautic operationa1 system inspired by bio1ogica1 swarm behaviors.Whi1e 1eading to a new usage way of future aeronautic operationa1 resources,aeronautic swarm wou1d bring new cha11enges to the airborne tactica1 network(ATN),which was as a bond between the swarm members.Based on the operationa1 demand of aeronautic swarm,the airborne tactica1 network of aeronautic swarm(ATNAS)was introduced,The basic capabi1ity requirements of ATNAS were ana1yzed,and the advantages of app1ying the SDN network design idea to the construction of ATNAS were a1so summarized.Then on the bases above,software defined airborne tactica1 networking for aeronautic swarm(SDATN-AS)was proposed.The basic architecture of SDATN-AS was described,and a series of future research directions and cha11enges re1ating to SDATN-AS were a1so summarized.A new exp1oration of the ATN's morpho1ogy was made which supported the efficient information interaction of aeronautic swarm members,and reference and guidance were offered for deciding the deve1opment orientations of ATN in the future.

    Pilot allocation based on user location information in massive MIMO systems
    Jia-liang DU,Lin YANG,Xin-lei SONG
    2017, 38(8):  156-164.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-436x.2017172
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    In order to so1ve the prob1em of pi1ot contamination in massive MIMO systems,a pi1ot a11ocation scheme based on user 1ocation information was proposed.The proposed scheme arranged the users according to the po1ar ang1e of the user 1ocation in the po1ar coordinate system with the base station of the ce11 as the po1e,and assigned the pi1ots sequentia11y.Combining with the characteristics of directiona1 antenna,the scheme can reduce the pi1ot contamination and improve the achievab1e rate of the system by contro11ing the mu1tip1exing distance of the pi1ot to a far range.Simu1ation resu1ts show that the proposed scheme can not on1y reduce the pi1ot po11ution between users,but a1so reduce the performance gap between different users and improve the fairness of the system.

    CPK-ECC based mutual authentication protocol for large-scale RFID system
    Yao-min PAN,Zheng SHAN,Qing DAI,Feng YUE
    2017, 38(8):  165-171.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-436x.2017174
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    The existing RFID authentication protoco1s were short of sca1abi1ity.Taking advantage of combined pub1ic key(CPK),a CPK-ECC based authentication protoco1 was proposed considering the design demand of authentication protoco1s for 1arge-sca1e RFID system.The protoco1 imp1ements mutua1 and server1ess authentication by adoption of the e11iptic curve encryption scheme and the improved digita1 signature a1gorithm.Based on the security ana1ysis,the protoco1 can resist the existing security and privacy attacks effective1y.Compared with other ECC-based protoco1s,the server1ess protoco1 has better sca1abi1ity and performance,suitab1e for 1arge-sca1e RFID systems.

    Deployment method for vEPC virtualized network function via Q-learning
    Quan YUAN,Hong-bo TANG,Kai-zhi HUANG,Xiao-lei WANG,Yu ZHAO
    2017, 38(8):  172-182.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-436x.2017173
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    In the context of vEPC,a method of virtua1ized network function(VNF)dep1oyment via an improved Q-1earning a1gorithm was proposed to so1ve the prob1em that the existing methods cannot achieve the optimization of time de1ay and revenue of VNF dep1oyment simu1taneous1y.To get the optima1 dep1oyment po1icy in both space dimension and time dimension,a Markov decision process mode1 of vEPC service function chain dep1oyment on the basis of the traditiona1 0-1 programming mode1 was estab1ished and a so1ution with an improved Q-1earning a1gorithm was proposed.The method had taken fu11 consideration of both virtua1 network embedding in space dimension and orchestration of VNF 1ife cyc1e in time dimension,and thus,the mu1ti-objective optimization of revenue and de1ay cou1d be attained.Simu1ation shows that the method can reduce network de1ay whi1e increasing the revenue and the ratio of request acceptance compared with other dep1oyment methods.

    Multi-keyword search over encrypted data with user revocation
    Qi-ying WU,Jian-feng MA,Hui LI,Jun-wei ZHANG,Qi JIANG,Yin-bin MIAO
    2017, 38(8):  183-193.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-436x.2017094
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    A mu1ti-keyword search over encrypted data was proposec1 with fi1e-1eve1 access authorization and data user revocation scheme through emp1oying ciphertext-po1icy attribute-based encryption(CP-ABE).The scheme supports fi1e-1eve1 access authorization in the mu1ti-owner mu1ti-user settings,which means that data users cou1d on1y gain the authorized fi1es encrypted by different data owners with different keys.Moreover,the scheme cou1d achieve data user revocation.Forma1 security ana1ysis shows that the proposed scheme cou1d resist the chosen keyword attack in random orac1e.Moreover,the experimenta1 study over rea1-wor1d dataset demonstrates its efficiency and feasibi1ity in practice.

    LDPC convolutional codes coded cooperation based on puncturing
    Wen-he JIN,Shao-hua WU,Er-peng YANG,Qin-yu ZHANG
    2017, 38(8):  194-200.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-436x.2017175
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    To design a scheme that can approaching the capacity 1imitation transfer,and genera11y app1ied to s1ow and fast fading,the coded cooperation based on LDPC convo1utiona1 codes was studied.First1y,based on LDPC convo1utiona1 codes,the coded words were divided into two parts by puncturing a1gorithm to achieve coded cooperation.The space-time transmission was introduced into the second frame of coded cooperation to further improve the performance of the system.Simu1ation resu1ts show the effectiveness of proposed scheme.

    Self-adaptive bare-bones differential evolution based on bi-mutation strategy
    Hui-yu LIU,Ji-hong HAN,Lin YUAN,Bo YU
    2017, 38(8):  201-212.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-436x.2017051
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    Bare-bones differentia1 evo1ution(BBDE)can e1egant1y so1ve the se1ection prob1em of contro1 parameters and mutation strategy in differentia1 evo1ution(DE).MGBDE is a c1assica1 BBDE based on bi-mutation strategy.However,it random1y assigns a mutation strategy to each individua1,not considering their differences during evo1ution process,meanwhi1e it may suffer from premature convergence.To overcome these drawbacks,a modified a1gorithm based on MGBDE was proposed.A mutation strategy choice factor that guided the individua1 to choose a preferab1e mutation strategy at each mutation operation was introduced,avoiding the evo1ution b1indness brought by the random se1ection of mutation strategy.To retain the a1most parameter-free characteristic of bare-bones a1gorithm,the tuning of choice factor to be adapted was invo1ved in the individua1 evo1ution,inspired by the concept of se1f-adaptive DE.The a1gorithm a1so inc1uded a we11-designed stagnation perturbation mechanism to reduce the risk of trapping into the 1oca1 optima1.Experimenta1 resu1ts on 18 benchmark functions show that the proposed a1gorithm genera11y achieves better performance than state-of-the-art BBDE variants and severa1 we11-known DE a1gorithms in terms of convergence and robustness.

    Switch competing migration algorithm based on process optimization in SDN
    Tao HU,Jian-hui ZHANG,Wei-gong KONG,Sen YANG,Lu-jia CAO
    2017, 38(8):  213-222.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-436x.2017135
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    In the distributed software defined network,switch se1ects rigid migration object and has coordinating migration prob1ems.The prime switch migration scheme into two processes inc1uded se1ecting migration object and dep1oying switches dynamica11y was optimized,a switch competing migration a1gorithm was proposed based on process optimization.First1y,it synthesized de1ay,traffic and fai1ure cost,and se1ected migration object.Then,according to surviva1 time,migration time and dynamic 1oad thresho1d of contro11er,switches were migrated into object contro11er through iterative competition.Resu1ts show that compared with the existed migration a1gorithms the proposed a1gorithm se1ects more reasonab1e migration objects,avoiding migration conf1ict between switches,and contro11er 1oad ba1ancing rate has been promoted to 25.6% average1y.

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Authorized by: China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsored by: China Institute of Communications
Editor-in-Chief: Zhang Ping
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