网络与信息安全学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (2): 30-40.doi: 10.11959/j.issn.2096-109x.2016.00024
Zheng YAN,Chen-zi WU,Wei FENG,Zi-long WANG
闫峥,吴宸梓,冯伟,王子龙. 可信普适社交网络研究综述和展望[J]. 网络与信息安全学报, 2016, 2(2): 30-40.
Zheng YAN,Chen-zi WU,Wei FENG,Zi-long WANG. Survey of trustworthy pervasive social networking[J]. Chinese Journal of Network and Information Security, 2016, 2(2): 30-40.
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