Telecommunications Science ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (11): 58-74.doi: 10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2019268
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Fu SU1,Qin LV1,Renze LUO2
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Fu SU,Qin LV,Renze LUO. Review of image classification based on deep learning[J]. Telecommunications Science, 2019, 35(11): 58-74.
CNN模型 | Top-1错误率(val) | Top-5错误率(val) | Top-5错误率(test) |
AlexNet[ | 36.7% | 15.4% | 15.3% |
VGGNet[ | — | 8.43% | 7.32% |
GoogleNet[ | — | 7.89% | 6.66% |
BN-Inception[ | 21.99% | 5.82% | — |
ResNet-152[ | 19.38% | 4.49% | 3.57% |
Inception-V3[ | 18.77% | 4.2% | — |
DensNet-264[ | 20.80% | 5.29% | — |
Attention-92[ | 19.5% | 4.8% | — |
1.0 MobileNet-224[ | 29.4% | — | — |
SENet-154[ | 18.68% | 4.47% | 2.25% |
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