Copyright Transfer Policy

  • Copyright Transfer Policy

    Title of manuscript









    According to the national laws and regulations on copyright, the author's contribution to this journal needs to be approved by the copyright transfer agreement of this journal.

    The author agrees to submit the manuscript and publish it in the journal of the Space-Integrated-Ground Information Networks.

    The author agrees to submit the manuscript and publish it in the journal of the Space-Integrated-Ground Information Networks.

    Once the manuscript is published in the journal of Space-Integrated-Ground Information Networks, it means that the author agrees to automatically transfer the copyright of the manuscript to the editorial department of Space-Integrated-Ground Information Networks, including the rights of electronic publishing, multimedia publishing, online publishing and other forms of publishing.

    The author solemnly promises that this manuscript is the original manuscript. All or part of the contents in this manuscript have never been published in any other publication in any form. There is no problem of repeated submission, no plagiarism or copying from others, and no content that violates laws and regulations and infringes on the rights and interests of others. Once it is found that this article involves the above problems, the editorial department has the right to reject the manuscript in order to maintain the scientific ethics and the normal publishing order, and has the right to announce and criticize the manuscript and related authors in real name in the field of education and scientific research and in the scope of brother journals.

    The editorial department of Space-Integrated-Ground Information Networks agrees that the author can continue to use the manuscript under the following circumstances:

    1) apply for a patent;

    2) Academic reports and lectures;

    3) Non-commercial academic exchange;

    4) Other activities permitted and authorized by the editorial department.

    5) Authors of this journal are allowed to use articles under CC-BY-NC.

    Once the manuscript fails to meet the publishing requirements of the journal Space-Integrated-Ground Information Networks and can't be published on Space-Integrated-Ground Information Networks, this agreement will automatically become invalid.


  • 发布日期:2022-02-22 浏览: 1209
Copyright Information
Competent Unit: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China
Sponsor: Posts & Telecom Press Co., Ltd.
Guiding Unit: China Satellite Network Group Co., Ltd.
Publisher: China InfoCom Media Group
Editor-in-Chief: LU Jun Executive
Editor-in-Chief: WU Wei
Associate Editor-in-Chief: WANG Chunting, LI Jianming, LYU Ziping,ZHU Decheng, SUN Qibin,
LIU Hualu
Director of Editorial Department: NIU Xiaomin
Deputy Director of Editorial Department: ZHAO Lulu
Address: F2, Beiyang Chenguang Building, Shunbatiao No.1 Courtyard, Fengtai District, Beijing, China
Postal Code: 100079
Tel: 010-53879078、53879076、53878187
Distribution Department Tel: 010-52265707
E-mail: ISSN 2096-8930
Postal Code: 80-791
ISSN 2096-8930
CN 10-1706/TN
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