Author Instruction


    Special note: This journal has introduced the duplicate checking system of CNKI, the submitted papers and published papers (including master and erudite papers) will not be included if the duplicate rate exceeds 20%.


    The format requirements of Journal on Communications

    Order of writing: Chinese (title, author's name, author's institution, province, city and postal code of the institution, abstract, key words); CLC classification number, document identification code and article number; English (title, author's name, author's organization, author's city and postcode, Abstract, key words); The text; Refs.

    Title (Chinese) : The title should be concise, specific and precise, summarize the main idea of the article and conform to the relevant principles of bibliography, indexing and retrieval. The Chinese title shall contain no more than 20 Chinese characters, and subtitles may be added if necessary. Avoid informal abbreviations, characters, codes, and structural expressions and formulas.

    Authorship: The authorship of an article comes after the title. In Chinese pinyin, the author's name is preceded by the given name and followed by a space in the middle. All the letters of the last name are capitalized, and the compound surname should be written in tandem. The first letter of the name is capitalized, the middle of the double name is hyphenated, and the first and last names are not abbreviated.

    For example: WANG Xi-lian, ZHUGE Hua, ZHUGE Hua. The names of foreign authors are written in accordance with international practice.

    Author's organization: including the full name of the organization, the names of all provinces and cities and postal codes; The name of the unit and the name of the province or city should be separated by a comma ", "and the entire data item should be enclosed in parentheses" () ". The author's work unit is printed directly under the author's name. The name of the author's work unit should be followed by the name of the province or city and the postal code, separated by commas (,). If more than one author belongs to different units, add a corner number after the author's name and list the name, address and postcode of the specific unit in the unit. Such as:

    (1. Department of Mathematical Mechanics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230001, China; 2. Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China);

    (Institute of Nuclear Energy Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084,China)

    Abstract: no more than 200 words.

    Abstract is a brief and accurate description of the important contents of the literature without comment or explanation. Its elements generally include: (1) purpose -- the premise, purpose and task of research, development and investigation, and the main scope involved; Methods -- principles, theories, conditions, objects, materials, processes, structures, means, equipment, procedures, etc.; ③ Results -- experimental, research results, data, determined relationship, observation results, results, performance, etc.; (4) conclusions -- analysis, research, comparison, evaluation, application, questions raised, future topics, assumptions, inspiration, suggestions, predictions, etc.; (5) other information that is not the main purpose of research, development or investigation, but is also important in terms of insight and information value.

    Do not write abstracts that simply repeat information already contained in the title, exclude content that is common knowledge in the subject area, and write in the third person. Should be adopted "to... It was reported that... The present situation is that... "Investigation" and other description methods, need not use "article", "author" as the subject.

    Keywords (Chinese) : keywords are listed after the abstract, and must be at least four.

    Other keywords that the author considers useful for retrieval and literature utilization can be listed.

    CLC Classification number: THE CLC classification number adopts the Classification method of Chinese Library Classification (fourth edition), which can be found in the library.

    English title, author, author unit, abstract, key words: It should correspond with Chinese title, author, author unit, abstract, key words one by one.

    When writing an English abstract, use past tense for purpose, method and result, and present simple tense for conclusion.

    Abstract length is generally not more than 150 Words, with a few exceptions. Keep it as brief as possible without missing the concept of the topic. Specific requirements are as follows:

    (1) The statement should be complete, clear and concise.

    (2) Eliminate unnecessary phrases such as "It is reported that..." , "The author discusses..." , "In this paper,". Do not repeat the first sentence of the abstract with the title. Cancel or reduce background information, only new situation, new content; Instead of empty phrases, such as "The work discussed in this paper is a great improvement over the past", "This work is the first to achieve..." , "no work similar to this paper has been found through retrieval", etc.; In addition, the author's plans and future plans cannot be included in the abstract.

    (3) Use short sentences, but to avoid monotonous sentences; Use the past tense to describe the author's work and present tense to describe the author's conclusion. Use active voice instead of passive voice whenever possible. Avoid using noun forms of verbs when verbs are available; Avoid using long lists of adjectives or nouns to qualify nouns; Pay attention to the use of articles. Do not misuse, abuse or omit articles.

    (4) The language should be refined, using short, clear meaning, familiar words; Avoid using literary description to write abstracts.

    (5) When referring to others' work or research achievements in the abstract, try to introduce their names; Sentences such as "figure ×", "equation ××" and "reference ××" cannot appear.

    (6) minimize the use of special characters and mathematical expressions composed of special characters (special characters mainly refer to various mathematical symbols, up and down corner marks and Greek letters. They cannot be typed directly into a computer, but must be converted into letters and symbols available on the keyboard. If you must, use words or narration instead, and try to eliminate complex expressions.

    (7) For those abbreviations that have been familiar to the public can be directly used, for those abbreviations that are only familiar to peers, should appear at least once in the title, abstract or key words.

    Fund project: put it at the bottom of the first page of the article, referring to the background of the article. Indicate its item number in parentheses. Items of the Fund shall be listed one by one, separated by a semicolon. Such as:

    Foundation Items: National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 59637050); National Key Science and Technology Projects during the eighth Five-Year Plan Period, No.85-20-74

    Text: No. 5 song characters, units with international standard code.

    Italics in foreign languages: all foreign languages (including the upper and lower corners) use italics for variables, black italics for matrices and vectors, and Roman for units and constants. In order to save space, the foreign languages in the text are not generated by formula editor.

    Greek letters: Please use caret for Greek letters not in the formula (use caret in WORD menu? Symbol? Symbol), do not use dynamic keyboard input

    Formulas: All formulas are generated in the Mathtype formula editor. Please define the formula size, the standard is 5 word size (10.5 pounds); Use the default values for others. After the formula is edited, the size should be 100%. Please do not zoom. Please use half-angle parentheses after the formula (that is, the parentheses entered in English input state), do not use full-angle parentheses (such as :(1), (2); Don't use (1), (2).

    Figure: after the corresponding text in the text, at the same time centralized save a figure file for printing. Use Chinese as much as possible. Drawing requirements are as follows:

    1. Please use Word image tool for drawing.

    2. All the pictures in the paper can be saved in a file sent, but each different picture is required to be an independent picture document, marked with the figure number;

    3. Font and size: In the figure, all characters except Chinese should be in Time New Roman with no size limitation.

    4. Color: do not use color pictures, gray scale should be increased or decreased by 25%, 50%, 75%, etc.

    5. Line: 0.75 pounds for frame wire and 0.5 pounds for wire; Please use the smallest number in the arrow line;

    6. Text: Please use the text box to input the text in the picture. Words should be independent from each other. Please do not input the text in the text.

    7. Scanning image: minimum 600 line TIF image, or provide original image;

    8. If a drawing contains more than one sub-drawing, it shall be marked with (a), (b), (c), etc., and the name of the general drawing and the sub-drawing shall be given. The general drawing name and the sub-drawing name must be placed in the text.

    Table: in the form of three lines (no vertical lines, slash lines), placed in the text after the corresponding lead text. The text in the table should be in Chinese.

    Bibliography: Bibliography follows the main text. The references must be all drawn out in the text, and the bibliography table at the end of the text

    The order of arrangement must be consistent with the order of derivation of the documents in the text. Three authors are reserved for each paper and the rest are omitted. For foreign language

    The author's name should be capitalized, with the last name in front (full name) and the first name in the back (initials).

    The periodical shall have the title, date, volume, issue and page number;

    The book must contain the place of publication, the name of the publisher and the date of publication;

    Electronic documents must be dated;

    The place and the name of the university must be included in the dissertation; Meeting minutes should include place and time.

    [J] (Journal)

    [M] (Book)

    [A][C] (Conference)

    [R] (Report)

    [D] (Dissertation)

    [EB/OL] (Electronic Document)

    [S] (Standard)

    Author introduction: (Add author introduction in the revised draft after acceptance) Give the introduction of all authors in the following order:

    Name (year of birth -), gender, nationality (han nationality can be omitted), native place (province, city/county), degree, institution, professional title, position, resume and main research direction. Attach 1 inch black and white bareheaded photos of all authors after scanning.

    (Black and white photo, size: 3cm high, 2cm wide, neatly cut)
  • 2015-06-11 Visited: 112242
Copyright Information
Authorized by: China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsored by: China Institute of Communications
Editor-in-Chief: Zhang Ping
Associate Editor-in-Chief:
Zhang Yanchuan, Ma Jianfeng, Yang Zhen, Shen Lianfeng, Tao Xiaofeng, Liu Hualu
Editorial Director: Wu Nada, Zhao Li
Address: F2, Beiyang Chenguang Building, Shunbatiao No.1 Courtyard, Fengtai District, Beijing, China
Post: 100079
Tel: 010-53933889、53878169、
ISSN 1000-436X
CN 11-2102/TN
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