Manuscript Format

  • Special reminder: This journal has introduced the CNKI Academic Misconduct Literature Check (AMLC). Papers submitted with a duplicate rate of more than 20% with published papers (including Master’s thesis and doctoral dissertations) will not be accepted.

    Big Data Research manuscript format requirements

    ● Font: Times New Roman

    ● Order of writing:

    Title, Author’s name, Author’s affiliation, City and postcode of the author’s affiliation, Abstract, Key words



    ● Title

    The title should be concise, specific and precise, summarizing the main idea of the article, and conforming to the relevant principles of compilation, index and retrieval.

    Avoid using informal abbreviations, characters, codes, and formulas.

    ● Author’s name

    The authors’ names should be written on the next line under the title.

    As for Chinese authors, their last names (all capital letters, compound surnames without blank spacing in between) should be written before the given names (initial letter capitalized), with blank spacing in between. Neither the surname nor the given name is abbreviated.

    As for overseas authors, their names should be written in accordance with international conventions.

    ● City and postcode of the author’s affiliation

    The authors’ affiliations should be written on the next lines under the authors’ names, including the full name of the affiliation, the name of the city and the postcode. Affiliations are written in order from small to large, that is, departments, names of the affiliation, separated by commas. And add the country name after the postal code, separated by a comma.

    If authors belong to different affiliations, add upper-right superscript numbers on their names, and list the affiliations on the next lines under the authors’ names, indicating by the numbers about which authors belong to what affiliations. Different affiliation information are put on different lines and separated by semicolons.

    ● Abstract

    The abstract is an essay that succinctly and accurately describes the important content of the document for the purpose of providing a summary of the content of the document without comment or supplementary explanation. Its elements generally include:

    ①Purpose (The main scope of the premise, purpose and tasks of research, development, investigation, etc.)

    ②Method (Principles, theories, conditions, objects, materials, processes, structures, means, equipment, procedures, etc.)

    ③Result (Experimental results, data, determined relationships, observations, effects, performance, etc.)

    ④Conclusion (Analysis of results, research, comparison, evaluation, application, questions raised, future issues, assumptions, inspiration, recommendations, predictions, etc.)

    ⑤Others (Important information in consideration of its knowledge and intelligence value, though not belonging to the main purpose of research, development, and investigation.)

    Abstracts generally do not exceed 200 words.

    ● Key words

    Key words are separated by commas.

    ● Text

    Font of Times New Roman (Size 5) is required, and the units involved are suggested to written with international standard symbols. Before and after the decimal point, blank spacing is put between each 3 digits, for example, 1 000.001 002. There is spacing between the quantity and the unit, such as 3 km.

    ● Constants and variables

    Variables are in italics, matrices and vectors are in black italics, and units and constants are used in standardized form.

    ● Greek letters

    For Greek letters that are not in the formula, please use the caret input (in the Word menu, use the insert-symbol-symbol). Do not use the dynamic keyboard to enter.

    ● Formula

    All formulas are generated using the Mathtypes. Please define the formula size. The standard size is 5 (10.5 pounds); others are the default value. Please use half-width brackets after the formula number.

    ● Figure

    Put each figure after the text in which it is cited. All figures could be saved in a file for the convenience of printing. Drawing requirements are as follows.

    ①Please use "word picture tool" for drawing.

    ②All the figures in the paper can be saved in one file, but each different figure requires a separate picture document, indicating the figure number.

    ③Color: Please use color pictures (the paper version of this journal is color printing).

    ④Line: 0.75 pounds for frame line and 0.5 pounds for connecting line; for arrow, please use the smallest size in the arrow line.

    ⑤Text: please use text box to input the text in the figure, and keep the independence between words. Please do not enter the words in figures in the main text.

    ⑥Scanned pictures: The minimum requirement is a 600-line TIF image; or a source file is provided.

    ⑦A figure containing multiple subgraphs is marked with (a), (b), (c), etc., and the total figure name and subgraph name are given; the total figure name and the subgraph name must be placed in the body text.

    ● Table

    In the form of three line tables (no vertical line or oblique line), they are put after the corresponding text in which they are cited.

    ● Reference Format

    ①For an author's name, full spelling of family name appears before abbreviation of given name, with a spacing in the middle.

    ②If there are more than 3 authors, the first 3 names are followed by et al.

    ③The article title should be identified by an initial capital letter with the remainder of the title in lower case.

    ④Accepted but unpublished papers should be followed by “in press”.

    ⑤Websites or homepages cannot be cited as references.


       LI G J. Further understanding of big data[J]. Big Data Research, 2015, 1(1): 1-9.


       LI T. Data mining in the era of big data[M]. Beijing: Posts & Telecom Press, 2019.

       ●Conference proceedings

       LI G L, ZHENG Y D, FAN J, et al. Crowdsourced data management: overview and challenges[C]//Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Management of Data. New York: ACM Press, 2017: 1711-1716.


       LIU G X. Classification of finite dimensional basic Hopf algebras and related topics[D]. Hangzhou: Hangzhou University, 2005.

       ●Technical report

       China Securities Regulatory Commission. Overall construction plan of CSRC for suptech[R]. Beijing: China Securities Regulatory Commission, 2018.


       ZHANG W P. Experiment apparatus of diffraction imaging[P]. China Patent, 02290557.X, 2003-12-03.

    ● About the author

    The author's profile (added in a revised manuscript after it is accepted) is located after the references, including all authors. The authors appear in the same order as the authors’ names below the title.

    Give a brief introduction of all the authors in the following order: name (year of birth -), gender, nationality, native place, degree, affiliation, positional titles and main research direction.

    Color photos (1-inch electronic certificate photo: 3cm high, 2cm wide, cut neatly) of all authors should be attached.

    ● Template

    Paper Template (Paper Template)

    About the author Template (About the author Template)


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