通信学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (6): 182-194.doi: 10.11959/j.issn.1000-436x.2021106
张红斌1,2, 尹彦1, 赵冬梅2, 刘滨3,4
张红斌(1976− ),男,河北赵县人,博士,河北科技大学教授,主要研究方向为网络安全与管理、社交物联网等基金资助:
Hongbin ZHANG1,2, Yan YIN1, Dongmei ZHAO2, Bin LIU3,4
Supported by:
张红斌, 尹彦, 赵冬梅, 刘滨. 基于威胁情报的网络安全态势感知模型[J]. 通信学报, 2021, 42(6): 182-194.
Hongbin ZHANG, Yan YIN, Dongmei ZHAO, Bin LIU. Network security situational awareness model based on threat intelligence[J]. Journal on Communications, 2021, 42(6): 182-194.
时间 | 标签 |
Monday | Benign |
Tuesday | FTP-Patator(9:20-10:20), SSH-Patator(14:00-15:00) |
Wednesday | DoS Slowloris(9:47-10:10), DoS slowhttptest (10:14-10:35), DoSHulk(10:43-11:00), DoSGoldenEye (11:10-12:23), Heartbleed Attack(15:12-15:23) |
Thursday | Web BForce(9:20-10:00), XSS(10:15-10:35), Sql Injection(10:40-10:42), Web and Infiltration Attacks (14:19-15:45) |
Friday | Botnet(10:02-11:02), PortScans(13:55-15:23), DDoS (15:57-16:16) |
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