通信学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (4): 124-136.doi: 10.11959/j.issn.1000-436x.2023078
苏新1, 张桂福1, 行鸿彦2, Zenghui Wang3
苏新(1986- ),男,河北霸州人,博士,河海大学教授,主要研究方向为移动通信、边缘/雾计算、智慧海洋等基金资助:
Xin SUN1, Guifu ZHANG1, Hongyan XING2, Wang Zenghui3
Supported by:
苏新, 张桂福, 行鸿彦, Zenghui Wang. 基于平衡生成对抗网络的海洋气象传感网入侵检测研究[J]. 通信学报, 2023, 44(4): 124-136.
Xin SUN, Guifu ZHANG, Hongyan XING, Wang Zenghui. Research on intrusion detection for maritime meteorological sensor network based on balancing generative adversarial network[J]. Journal on Communications, 2023, 44(4): 124-136.
模型 | DoS | Probe | U2R | R2L | |||||||
MED | MMD | MED | MMD | MED | MMD | MED | MMD | ||||
ADASYN | 5.482 5 | 2.531 2 | 0.915 6 | 0.501 9 | 0.163 8 | 0.262 5 | 0.109 0 | 0.224 2 | |||
CWGAN-GP | 0.178 2 | 0.117 3 | 0.006 1 | 0.005 1 | 0.098 2 | 0.189 9 | 0.034 1 | 0.064 4 | |||
BAGAN | 0.546 9 | 0.673 6 | 1.037 0 | 0.561 9 | 0.340 7 | 0.505 0 | 0.052 3 | 0.133 4 | |||
本文模型 | 0.003 7 | 0.009 7 | 0.022 7 | 0.014 1 | 0.062 7 | 0.256 2 | 0.009 7 | 0.019 8 |
模型 | DoS | Port Scan | 暴力破解 | Web Attack | Bot | Infiltration | |||||||||||
MED | MMD | MED | MMD | MED | MMD | MED | MMD | MED | MMD | MED | MMD | ||||||
ADASYN | 1.234 6 | 1.073 2 | 0.044 2 | 1.093 8 | 0.260 6 | 0.626 0 | 0.378 0 | 1.721 7 | 0.403 3 | 0.826 6 | 0.012 9 | 0.039 2 | |||||
CWGAN-GP | 0.001 8 | 0.003 7 | 0.017 4 | 0.267 4 | 0.078 7 | 0.138 5 | 0.143 3 | 2.373 5 | 0.007 9 | 0.060 0 | 4.078 1 | 4.374 4 | |||||
BAGAN | 0.130 5 | 0.157 3 | 0.018 8 | 0.683 8 | 0.012 9 | 0.029 4 | 0.017 0 | 0.101 3 | 0.028 1 | 0.063 7 | 0.263 9 | 0.792 7 | |||||
本文模型 | 0.148 4 | 0.134 4 | 0.001 0 | 0.035 2 | 0.001 4 | 0.004 0 | 0.025 6 | 0.140 5 | 0.016 3 | 0.029 1 | 0.511 9 | 0.759 8 |
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