通信学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (6): 119-128.doi: 10.11959/j.issn.1000-436x.2016121
Jian-zhen LUO1,Shun-zheng YU2,Jun CAI1
Supported by:
罗建桢,余顺争,蔡君. 基于最大似然概率的协议关键词长度确定方法[J]. 通信学报, 2016, 37(6): 119-128.
Jian-zhen LUO,Shun-zheng YU,Jun CAI. Method for determining the lengths of protocol keywords based on maximum likelihood probability[J]. Journal on Communications, 2016, 37(6): 119-128.
字段序号 | 字段 | 属性 |
F(1) | K(“GET/”) | 协议关键词 |
F(2) | VD | 可变字段 |
F(3) | K(“HTTP/1.1”) | 协议关键词 |
F(4) | K(“Host:”) | 协议关键词 |
F(5) | VD | 可变字段 |
F(6) | K(“User-Agent:”) | 协议关键词 |
F(7) | VD | 可变字段 |
F(8) | K(“Accept:”) | 协议关键词 |
F(9) | VD | 可变字段 |
F(10) | K(“Content:”) | 协议关键词 |
F(11) | VD | 可变字段 |
F(12) | K(“Connection:”) | 协议关键词 |
F(13) | VD | 可变字段 |
F(14) | K(“Referer:”) | 协议关键词 |
F(15) | VD | 可变字段 |
F(16) | K(“Cookie:”) | 协议关键词 |
F(17) | VD | 可变字段 |
M | M | M |
序号 | Token |
1 | c(t,“GET”) |
2 | v(t) |
3 | c(t,“rep...”) |
4 | v(t) |
5 | c(t,“int...”) |
6 | v(t) |
7 | c(t,“HTTP/1.1”) |
8 | c(t,“Host:”) |
9 | v(t) |
10 | c(t,“.com”) |
11 | v(t) |
12 | c(t,“User...”) |
13 | v(t) |
14 | c(t,“ocspd”) |
15 | v(t) |
16 | c(t,“(unknown”) |
17 | v(t) |
18 | c(t,“version)”) |
19 | v(t) |
20 | c(t,“CFNetwork”) |
21 | v(t) |
22 | c(t,“Darwin”) |
23 | v(t) |
24 | c(t,“(x86 64)”) |
25 | v(t) |
26 | c(t,“Conne...”) |
27 | v(t) |
28 | M |
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