大数据 ›› 2023, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (3): 168-180.doi: 10.11959/j.issn.2096-0271.2023045

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冯旭1, 曹浩2, 胡杨2, 王秀芹2, 张皓翔2, 凌端新2   

  1. 1 工业和信息化部中小企业发展促进中心,北京 100802
    2 中国工业互联网研究院,北京 100015
  • 出版日期:2023-05-15 发布日期:2023-05-01
  • 作者简介:冯旭(1971- ),男,工业和信息化部中小企业发展促进中心副主任、高级工程师,主要研究方向为数字经济、工业互联网、数字化转型、两化融合、信息通信等。
    曹浩(1988- ),男,博士,中国工业互联网研究院应用推广所副所长、高级工程师,主要研究方向为工业互联网、数字化转型、中小企业发展等。
    胡杨(1989- ),男,博士,中国工业互联网研究院高级工程师,主要方向为中小企业专精特新发展等。
    王秀芹(1988- ),女,博士,中国工业互联网研究院工程师,主要研究方向为中小企业数字化转型、中小企业政策研究等。
    张皓翔(1986- ),男,博士,中国工业互联网研究院总体规划所副所长、高级工程师,主要方向为工业互联网、数字化转型、智能制造等。
    凌端新(1992- ),男,中国工业互联网研究院工程师,主要研究方向为中小企业数字化转型、专精特新等。

Research on digital transformation evaluation of small and medium-sized enterprises and regional differences in China

Xu FENG1, Hao CAO2, Yang HU2, Xiuqin WANG2, Haoxiang ZHANG2, Duanxin LING2   

  1. 1 China Center for Promotion of SME Development, MIIT, Beijing 100802, China
    2 China Academy of Industrial Internet, Beijing 100015, China
  • Online:2023-05-15 Published:2023-05-01



关键词: 中小企业, 数字化转型, 评价模型, 区域差异


Based on the provincial data of 2021 in China, an evaluation model for the digital transformation of small and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs) was constructed from five aspects: policy, facility, service, input, and effectiveness.And the AHP and entropy weight method was used to set index weight, the scoring method was used to standardize index data, and then the score of digital transformation of SMEs in 31 provinces were calculated.The score shows that there are obvious regional differences in the digital transformation of SMEs in China.The comprehensive index in the east region is the highest, and the central, western, and northeastern regions decrease successively, and are all lower than the national average.The comprehensive index has a significant positive correlation with export volume, and the correlation is higher than the correlation with GDP; the “policy” index takes the lead in the five sub-indices, and the “input” index is relatively lower.In this regard, four suggestions were put forward to promote the digital development of SMEs in China:strengthening digital financial support, lowering the threshold for using digital facilities, improving digital transformation service support, and strengthening the supply of digital workforce.

Key words: small and medium-sized enterprises, digital transformation, evaluation model, regional differences


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