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Current Issue

    15 October 2013, Volume 29 Issue 10
    Cloud computing column
    A General Network Architecture Design of Large-Scale Cloud Data Center Based on Service Switch
    Yongbing Fan,Shengyong, Ding,Nan Chen
    2013, 29(10):  1-4.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.10.001
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    The concept of service switch was firstly proposed around the industry.The general network architecture of large-scale cloud data center based on service switch can provide a general methodology to simplify the design and to clarify the logic of data center network,which will help carrier improve flexibility,lower cost and risk of operation,and a possible device form for vendor to support the architecture was suggested.

    Research of Carrier's Cloud Management System Based on Open Architecture
    Runfeng Qin,Yongbing Fan,Hong Tang,Huamin Jin
    2013, 29(10):  5-9.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.10.002
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    In recent years,several carriers provided their own IaaS cloud computing services and products.As the unified operational tools for the underlying physical resources,CMS(cloud-computing management system)gradually becomes the bottleneck due to its closed architecture when the carriers desire flexible resource-scheduling and service-provision.In order to better adapt to the future cloud business,the carriers need to build the end-to-end open IaaS CMS combined their own cloud computing business requirements.While promoting and designing the open-minded CMS architecture,the carriers could use some open source CMS like OpenStack for reference,and finally achieve the real open-minded CMS with the extensible ability,compatibility,differentiated service capacity and scale deployment capabilities.Based on the better intelligent pipeline method,the carriers will be committed to detailing the cloud computing service,optimizing the architecture and more scaling the deployment.

    Research on Architecture and Application of Cloud Service Brokerage
    Tian Chen,Yongbing Fan,Peiyuan Lai
    2013, 29(10):  10-15.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.10.003
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    The concept,industry status and standardization progress of cloud service brokerage were described,and the logic reference architecture of cloud service brokerage was designed.On the basis of this,the typical scene,the ecosystem,and the operation architecture for the telecom operators were analyzed to provide cloud brokerage services.

    Research and Application of Testing Technology of Cloud Computing Database
    Hongfei Qiu,Xianxu Li,Chunguang Huang
    2013, 29(10):  16-20.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.10.004
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    The infrastructure of database products was briefly introduced.Aiming at the performance of cloud computing database under the workload of business type,testing technology standard of cloud computing database was especially analyzed,and the evaluate and assessment methods of capacity of cloud computing database was expatiated.

    Research on the Cloud Computing in Online Charging System Application
    Hong Hu,Na Chen,Jinjuan Zhang,Xinyi Xu
    2013, 29(10):  21-25.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.10.005
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    The characters and challenges of online charging system were analyzed,and the cloud computing application in online charging system was studied.Finally,the application and programs on online charging system were put forward,also the future research of cloud computing was expected.

    An Empirical Study on Cost Benefit Comparison and Pricing Model of Cloud Computing Data Center and Traditional IDC
    Ruozhao Feng,Yunling Fan
    2013, 29(10):  26-30.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.10.006
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    The development of cloud computing technology and market demand gradually promote the products of cloud data center services.As a reference to traditional IDC business of telecom operators,the cost structure and investment returns of cloud data centers and traditional IDC were compared through empirical analysis,as the basis for constructing cost pricing model of cloud data center.

    CC-MRSJ:Cache Conscious Star Join Algorithm on Hadoop Platform
    Guoliang Zhou,Yongli Zhu,Guilan Wang
    2013, 29(10):  31-37.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.10.007
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    A cache-conscious MapReduce star join algorithm was presented,each column of fact table was separately stored,and dimension table was divided into several column families according to dimension hierarchy.Fact table foreign key column and corresponding dimension table was co-location storage,thus reducing data movement in the join process.CC-MRSJ consists of two phases:firstly each foreign key column and the corresponding dimension table were joined; then the intermediate results were joined and random accessed measure columns,and so got the final result.CC-MRSJ read only the data needed,and cache utilization is high,so it has good cache conscious feature; it also takes advantage of late materialization,avoiding unnecessary data access and movement.CC-MRSJ has higher performance comparing to hive system based on SSB datasets.

    Maximum Mutual Information Feature Extraction Method Based on the Cloud Platform
    Shasha Wei,Huijuan Lu,Wei Jin,Chao Li
    2013, 29(10):  38-42.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.10.008
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    With the large-scale application of gene chip,gene expression data with high dimension which exists a large number of irrelevant and redundant features may reduce classifier performance problem.A maximum mutual information feature extraction method based on cloud platforms was proposed.Hadoop cloud computing platform could be a parallel computing after gene expression data segmentation,features was extracted at the same time combined with the maximum mutual information method and the characteristics of cloud computing platform filter model was realized.Simulation experiments show that the maximum mutual information feature extraction method based on the cloud platform can rapid extraction of features in a higher classification accuracy which save a lot of time resources to make a highly efficient gene feature extraction system.

    research and development
    A Femtocell Cluster Based Cache Handover Strategy
    Jihong Zhao,Xun Wang,Zhirong Luan
    2013, 29(10):  43-48.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.10.009
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    To improve the quality of indoor wireless communication,the femtocell begins to be deployed in different indoor wireless communication scenarios.In the densely deployed femtocell network,when users handover from the macrocell to the femtocell,the multiple RSRP from different femtocell seriously affect the accuracy of the handover process.To solve above problems,the idea of femtocell cluster was proposed to improve the handover accuracy and reduce the unnecessary handover.In addition,a cache handover strategy was proposed to improve the efficiency of handover from macrocell to femtocell.Simulation results verify the proposed algorithms and strategies.

    TTDSP:A Cost-Effective Approach to Tracking Tuple in Data Stream Processing
    Huaming Du,Peng Zhang,Kefu Xu,Jianlong Tan,Yan Li
    2013, 29(10):  49-57.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.10.010
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    The traditional data stream processing systems will keep all the tuples in the memory until they have been processed in order to provide reliable tuple processing.Unfortunately,the strategy will take up much memory.To address this issue,a cost-effective approach to tracking tuples-TTDSP was proposed.The approach includes three strategies,namely memory allocation strategy,tuple acker selection strategy and checksum updating strategy,which make tuple acker to keep only the XOR checksum not the tuple in memory.Moreover,the tuple acker are load balancing through the improved consistent Hash.The experiments on memory overhead and load balancing show that this approach is able to track and process tuples effectively and reliably.

    A Rateless Code Transmission Strategy Based on Real Time Service
    Shaohua Zhao,Wei Chen,Bo Bai,Zhisheng Niu,Zhigang Cao
    2013, 29(10):  58-64.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.10.011
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    Rateless codes has the advantage of good channel adaptivity with a low amount of feedback data.However,the data transmission delay caused by its own coding characteristics and its sensitivity of the feedback link quality directly affects its application in real-time data transmission services.The random delay of feedback ACK which reduce the LT coding's performance was discussed,and then a new LT code based real-time transmission strategy was proposed to address the impact of non-ideal conditions of the feedback link.This strategy can achieve higher data throughout in non-ideal feedback conditions.

    A Low-Cost PKC-Based RFID Mutual Authentication Protocol
    Lili Wei,Qingkuan Dong,Wenxiu Ding
    2013, 29(10):  65-71.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.10.012
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    Based on the PKC-based RFID authentication protocol cryptoGPS which costs the least resource currently,a low-cost mutual authentication protocol which has a flexible key-management and can realize a mutual authentication was proposed.It adopted a new key-management scheme,an optimized fast Rabin encryption algorithm,low Hamming weight modulus and a lightweight stream cipher algorithm Grain V1,moreover,a new low-cost multiplier was designed to achieve the modulus multiplication on large numbers.The security analysis and simulation experiments carried out on Design Complier with Smic 0.25 μm technique show that this scheme is secure enough and in which the tag just needs 4 530 gates,it is suitable for RFID system.

    Scalability Optimization of Virtualization Based Botnet Emulation Platform
    Li Ruan,Bo Lin,Limin Xiao
    2013, 29(10):  72-79.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.10.013
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    Botnet emulation,a new technology to investigate Botnet characteristics,gains increasing focus.The practical virtualization based Botnet emulation platform is few and lacks support of rapid deployment,multiple virtualization,specific features of the Botnet like Botnets' circadian random shutdown and starting,and high scalability which will greatly influence the Botnet propagation emulation effect.A Botnet emulation system and its scalability improvement technologies were introduced.Experiments show that the memory performance optimization and CPU performance optimization reduce more than 77% of host memory per virtual machine,the maximum virtual machines one physical machine can starts up increase from 15 to 43; the host CPU utility is deduced from 100% to 20% when the vCPU's performance is restricted to 100 000.

    Research on Lifetime Optimization Algorithm for Mobile Wireless Sensor Network
    Zhangquan Wang,Yourong Chen,Tiaojuan Ren,Sen Xu
    2013, 29(10):  80-87.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.10.014
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    When the position of sink node is fixed,the sensor nodes which are distributed around the sink node easily become hub nodes,forward a lot of data and fail prematurely.In order to solve this problem,the lifetime optimization algorithm for mobile wireless sensor network(LOAMWSN)was proposed.LOAMWSN algorithm considers the mobility of sink node,uses subtractive cluster algorithm to determine mobile anchor points of sink node,uses the nearest neighbor interpolation method to find the approximate solution of shortest route which traverse all mobile anchor points,uses distributed asynchronous Bellman-Ford algorithm to construct the shortest path tree in the k-hop range of sink node.Finally,sensor nodes transmit data to sink node along the shortest path tree.Simulation results show that in wireless sensor network of node uniform distribution and non-uniform distribution,LOAMWSN algorithm can prolong the network lifetime,balance the node energy consumption,and remain the average node energy consumption at a low level.Under certain conditions,it outperforms Ratio_w and TPGF algorithms.

    Research on a Model of Enhancing Factors' Effects Based on Trust Evaluation for P2P Network
    Zuchang Zhang,Cheng Wang
    2013, 29(10):  88-91.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.10.015
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    In the transaction evaluation mechanism,trust is formed by many kinds of factors,but due to the characteristics of its own,its effects and influences are different.By using the relationship between appropriate,it enhances the effects of some important factors and the role of trade.That can effectively improve the accuracy and validity of the evaluation model.A model of enhancing the factors' effects based on the trust evaluation for P2P network was proposed,a new calculation method of the trust evaluation,and the model's simulation results were given.The experimental results show that the evaluation model has significant effect.

    Wavelet Analysis Method to Solve the Problem of Wireless Location Tracking
    Baoquan Chen,Yongyi Mao
    2013, 29(10):  98-102.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.10.017
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    The signal of non-line-of-sight propagation(NLoS)largely determine the positioning accuracy of the mobile station in wireless location,the wavelet analysis theory has obvious advantages in signal processing.A positioning and tracking algorithm of the mobile station(MS)in the NLoS environment of cellular network was presented.Using wavelet transform signal decomposition and reconstruction,the TDOA measurement error correction,re-use classic Chan algorithm to estimate the location of the mobile station,with the corresponding distance threshold to track the location of the mobile station location.The simulation results show that the algorithm can effectively achieve the static positioning and dynamic tracking of the location of the mobile station,and significantly better than the classical algorithm simulation results in the same environment,and effectively improve the positioning accuracy.

    Scheme of Attribute-Based Disclosure Mobile Trust Negotiation
    Qiuyun Wang,Wenbao Jiang,Hong Wang
    2013, 29(10):  103-107.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.10.018
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    For it is difficult to use traditional trust negotiation on the mobile environment,which has large communication overhead,storage overhead and computational overhead,an attribute-based disclosure mobile trust negotiation scheme was proposed.In the negotiation process,two sides in trust negotiation exchange certificate which contains encrypted credential attributes firstly,then,one side in trust negotiation can selectively dispose the sensitive attributes to the other side in trust negotiation procedure based on the trust evaluation result of the other,next,two sides in trust negotiation exchange attribute encryption key based on personal security policy until the trust negotiation was completed.The implementation procedure was given in concrete application instances and the scheme was analyzed.

    Research of Fragment Mechanism Security in IPv6 Network Protocol
    Xianglin Wang,Chen Zhu,Dongmei Sun,Mingyue Li,Qingzi Shen
    2013, 29(10):  108-113.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.10.019
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    Based on open source Snort platform,the packet block mechanism in IPv6 network was discussed.The behavior using IPv6 packet fragment to attack network was studied.Against to the problems,such as too little for IPv6 packet segment,overlapping section and so on,it put forward the corresponding countermeasures.The intrusion detection system were designed and implemented for piecewise leak testing.The experiments show that the design of intrusion detection system can detect the abnormal IPv6 packet,and Snort to support for IPv6 function was improved and optimized.

    Performance Analysis of Cognitive Radio System Based on Outage Probability of Cognitive Transmission
    Haomin Gao,Haifeng Zhao,Xiao Liang,Xiaomin Mu
    2013, 29(10):  114-118.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.10.020
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    It is an important part to design an optimal spectrum sensing and transmission framework in cognitive radio network.Considering that cognitive data transmission outage had effect on the performance of cognitive radio system,a novel spectrum sensing and transmission model based on the outage probability of cognitive transmission was proposed and the two phases of spectrum sensing and data transmission were jointly optimized.The model was formulated as a nonconvex optimization problem under the constraint of interference to primary user,which maximized the average achievable throughput by the joint optimization of sensing time and data transmission rate and simulated by means of the numerical method.The numerical analysis shows that a better tradeoff can be achieved among the protection of primary user,the throughput of cognitive system and transmission delay when the outage probability is cited and the constraint is satisfied.

    Protected Private Information for Proximity Computingin Mobile Social Network
    Jinshuang Li,Fengyun Li
    2013, 29(10):  119-122.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.10.021
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    Mobile social network(MSN)extend social network in the cyberspace into the real world.It allows mobile users to discover and interact with a stranger in their physical vicinity.Proximity computing means that two users can compare their personal profiles in MSN application.It is,however,possible disclosing user's privacy information.To address this concerns,two novel proximity computing protocols were designed.The protocols enable two users to perform proximity computing without disclosing any information about their profiles.

    Strategy Design and Performance Analysis of Delay Tolerance Network Based on Tactical Battlefield
    Chenchen Ni,Qianmu Li,Yi Jiang,Xuanyue Zha
    2013, 29(10):  123-130.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.10.022
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    Based on the research of the DTN communication strategy in tactical battlefield,a novel DTN c ommunication strategy was proposed.It was modeled and calculated key parameters by using G/G/1 model and Chebyshev inequality.Also the whole DTN process under ONEs simulation tools was simulated.The key factors that affect the system transmission efficiency by comparing the experimental data with the expected value was comfined.The perfomance of the novel strategy compared with epidemic router strategy in the same simulation scenarios.

    Analysis and Discussion on Group Mobility Model in Ubiquitous Network
    Shuyuan Zhao,Jihong Zhao,Hua Qu
    2013, 29(10):  131-135.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.10.023
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    Research on group mobility models has an important effect on the design of communication protocols,the evaluation of algorithm performance and other issues in the ubiquitous network.In the ubiquitous network,a variety of terminals provide certain service for users at the same time,and how to integrate terminal capacity effectively need good group mobility model.The characteristics and suitable scenes of the various group mobility models for Ad Hoc network in the past were summarized,and taking the environment of multiple terminals and multiple networks working for the same goal into consideration,the implementation scheme of group mobility model in the scene of personal service was discussed based on the experience of users,the key technical requirements were also proposed.

    Operational Innovation Forum
    Research on Method of Intelligent Mobile Internet Pipeline Deployment Strategy
    Jiaojiao Ren,Jun Zhao
    2013, 29(10):  145-147.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.10.025
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    Policy deployment scheduling methods and strategies of the mobile internet smart pipe structure refinement were systematically studied.The deficiencies of existing methods were analyzed,and on the basis of the existing method,a fine method of intelligent pipeline deployment strategy was presented.

    Research and Exploration for PON Resource Automatic Discovery
    Yanbin Shi,Gengshu Su,Zhiming Yang
    2013, 29(10):  148-155.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.10.026
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    The problem which the difference between resource data and existing network data,resources data and network management data hinder the telecom operator to develop FTTH users and broadband services were discussed.Combined with PON,intelligent ODN and the mobile internet technology,a resource-automatic discovery engine architecture system was built and the automatic matching check of resource data with existing network data consistency was achieved,the efficiency and quality of resource management were enhanced.

    Building a System for Telecom Product Development and Operating System Based on Big Data
    Jun Zhao,Chenxu Qiu,Renlong He
    2013, 29(10):  156-159.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.10.027
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    With the advent of the era of big data,telecom operators have come to realize that data is the most important strategic resource for an enterprise.Whether it can manage and make good use of data will be the key to success in future cross-sector competition.The existing problems in telecom operator's product development and operating systems were analyzed,and the major changes in telecom operator's direction of product development and operational layout affected by the era of big data were discussed.New concept of data products based on large data,and ideas on reconstruction of carriers product development and operating systems were proposed.Finally the initiative proposal for building telecom product development and operating systems based on large data were given.

    An Algorithm of Faulty Antenna Location Based on Interval Analysis of Horizontal Beam-Width
    Zhuoyi Tang,Zhidong Hu,Gang Lin
    2013, 29(10):  160-167.  doi:3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.10.028
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    The problems such as decrease of antenna gain,the leakage of side-lobe signal,and the degradation of front-to-back ratio,were mainly discussed,and an algorithm of faulty antenna location based on interval analysis of horizontal beam-width was proposed,by dividing the horizontal beam-width with different radiation angle:±[0,15°],[16°,30°],[31°,60°],[61°,90°],[91°,120°],[121°,150°],[151°,180°].At last,through relational analysis of Rxqual,Rxlev,over-coverage index,and communication distance in different radiation angle interval,the location of faulty antenna was realized.

    Correlation Analysis Approach About Numerous Security Information and Event in Telecommunication Network
    Ning Fan,Guoshui Shi,Jun Shen,Huamin Jin
    2013, 29(10):  168-172.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2013.10.029
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    Correlation analysis engine which correlate isolated security event as a chain to find out the real threat from a large number of false alarms or low level ones,is a key module of security operations centre(SOC).The traditional correlation analysis mechanism is divided into two types:state machine and inference-engine.For poor precision and low efficiency,they don't adapt telecom network application.A new correlation analysis mechanism based on consecutive state by inference-engine was presented,which executed efficiently and accurately,to solve the problems of correlation analysis engine applied in telecom network.

Copyright Information
Authorized by: China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsored by: China Institute of Communications
Posts and Telecom Press Co., Ltd.
Publisher: Beijing Xintong Media Co., Ltd.
Editor-in-Chief: Chen Shanzhi
Editorial Director: Li Caishan
Address: F2, Beiyang Chenguang Building, Shunbatiao No.1 Courtyard, Fengtai District, Beijing, China
Postal Code: 100079
Tel: 010-53879277
Mailing Code: 2-397
ISSN 1000-0801
CN 11-2103/TN
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