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Current Issue

    20 September 2014, Volume 30 Issue 9
    Viewpoint focusing
    Evolved Programmable Network
    Greg Smith,Greg Nehib
    2014, 30(9):  1-7.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2014.09.001
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    The communications industry has undergone radical change over the past 30 years, moving from a business model that was largely built around offering bandwidth at fixed locations to one delivering seamless internet and application access anywhere. This success has been driven by continuous technical innovation in both computer (semiconductor)technologies along with improved optical and wireless transmission technology enabling faster and lower priced bandwidth. However, a new era in the industry is coming which is driven by cloud computing and trillions of newly connected devices, with the internet of everything. This will demand changes in the business models, network architectures, and technologies used by service providers if they are going to be successful in the future. These trends and how innovations meet these emerging requirements were analyzed and that can help network operators achieve their global business objectives.

    Special topics: Information Center Network (ICN)
    Researcb on Name Lookup in Named Data Networking
    Bin Liu,Yi Wang
    2014, 30(9):  10-17.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2014.09.002
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    Named data networking(NDN)proposed as a new future architecture for the internet, aims to satisfy the requirement of information sharing among the users. NDN applies the hierarchical names to identify contents, route packets and retrieve information. Given the massive amount of contents and the longest prefix matching principle, achieving high speed name lookup exhibits a big challenge to implement NDN in real networks. The technical challenges of name lookup were firstly analyzed, then the main techniques to achieve wire-speed name lookup and their corresponding research results were introduced.

    Design and Implementation of Storage of Network Component Based on NetFPGA10G
    Shuolin Zhang,Hongbin Luo
    2014, 30(9):  18-22.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2014.09.003
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    Presently, it is hot to do research about the next generation network architecture based on the content centric network. The network component, as an important part of it, will be able to forward as well as save the content in the meantime inevitably. New type of network component was designed and implemented, based on NetFPGA10G hardware platform, to forward the data and store the content at the same time, thus to improve the utilization rate of network resources.

    Researcb on Progress of Identifier Mecbanisms in Future Internet Arcbitecture
    Ling Cai,Jinkuan Wang
    2014, 30(9):  23-26.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2014.09.004
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    The identifier system of current internet is based on IP address and characterized by binding the identity and location, so it can't adapt well to multi-demands of future internet, such as scalability, mobility and safety. The various international mainstream identifier systems of future internet architecture were classified firstly, which were summed up along the two development routes, one was incremental route, and another was clean-slate route. Then the challenges of design solution should be meet were analyzed. In addition, with the development trend of the internet architecture, some advices of evolution and development of the identifier system were proposed.

    Content Distribution Mecbanisms of Named Data Networking
    Kai Lei,Jie Yuan
    2014, 30(9):  27-36.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2014.09.005
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    Future internet architecture research is one of the major strategic needs of science and technology development. As a promising design, named data networking(NDN)has drawn the extensive attentions of researchers and industry. Since NDN architecture evolves the internet from today's host-based packet delivery towards directly retrieving named objects, there are still a lot of issues have yet to be studied. Its content distribution mechanisms are the key to promote the development and deployment. The concepts and characteristics of NDN content distribution were introduced. The current advances in the aspect of forwarding strategy, redundant control, congestion control and access control were emphasized. Aimed at the faced problems, some discussions and analysis were also presented.

    Dynamic Adaptive Streaming Algoritbm in ICN
    Yonghui Xin,Yang Li,Tao Lin
    2014, 30(9):  37-44.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2014.09.006
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    Information-centric networking(ICN)has different type of router node from the traditional network, which has caching facilities, and popular content will be pushed to the edge of the network closer to the user, reducing the delay of the user's access to the content. However, ICN's caching will result in the shake or even the interruption of video play when client uses the traditional adaptive streaming protocol, reducing the user's viewing experience. An algorithm for dynamic adaptive streaming in ICN was proposed, ensuring smoothly playback as well as improving the average bitrate of play thus to enhance the user's viewing experience. Simulation experiment on the existing ICN platform proves that the adaptive algorithm performs better than the traditional algorithms.

    Collaborative Cacbe Management Strategy Based on Ant-Colony Replacement Algoritbm in Named Data Networking
    Lili Dong,Yong Wang,Yongqiang Dong,Peng Yang
    2014, 30(9):  45-52.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2014.09.007
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    To improve the cache utilization in named data networking, a collaborative cache management strategy, named as ACNCM(ant-colony based neighbor cooperation cache management), was proposed. The cache replacement problem in a single node was modeled as a 0/1 knapsack problem firstly, which could be well solved by an ant-colony replacement algorithm. To facilitate the execution of the algorithm, the inner content caching value was calculated by taking into account the size of the content, the access frequency of the content, and the status of neighboring cache copies. Once the to-be replaced content has been figured out, ACNCM was exploited to choose one available collaborative neighbor node to store the content, according to the regular exchange of caching information among neighboring nodes. The experimental results show that ACNCM outperforms the existing caching schemes in terms of cache hit rate, network overhead and the average response latency.

    Access Control for Autborized Video in Information-Centric Networking
    Zifei Zhou,Xiaobin Tan,Yukun Niu,CZou Cliff
    2014, 30(9):  53-60.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2014.09.008
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    Information-centric networking(ICN)can greatly improve the efficiency of video content, however, in-network caching in ICN also brings us a new access control challenge. The purpose of authorized video access control is to ensure that only authorized users can watch them, and to prevent unauthorized accesses to these authorized videos. In ICN, when authorized videos were cached in the routers, anyone can get and watch them without the authorized videos' producers' permission. The existing methods could not solve this problem well, an access control scheme was proposed that based on splitting and digital watermarking. The authorized video was splitted into two parts, public content block(PCB)and content key block(CKB), respectively. PCB which was generally relatively large, was the same for all users, and CKB which was generally relatively small, was unique for each authorized users using digital watermarking technology. Users must received both PCB and CKB to watch videos. After the analysis, the access control scheme for authorized videos has a good performance in both security and network resource optimization.

    research and development
    A Cube Analytical Mining Framework for Stream Data
    Canghong Jin,Zemin Liu,Minghui Wu,Jing Ying
    2014, 30(9):  61-71.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2014.09.009
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    Stream data has been one of the most significant data format recently. OLAM(online analytical mining) operation could provide multi-level data views for analysts. However, OLAM operations depend on data aggregation, which is in conflict with the continuous incensement and dynamic nature of stream data. Thus, partial materialized view from stream data directly by typical OLAP approaches cannot be created and all data cells for the limitation of storage cannot be saved. In order to solve the above problems, an advanced sketch based OLAM framework named sketch cube to analyze stream data was proposed. Sketch cube maps a set of attributes to a unique number and stores it in sub-linear data structure, and then builds an inverted index by tiled time window. The precondition of using sketch cube by theoretical analysis was given and the storage efficiency and query performance on mass mobile data corpus was evaluated, which supports requirements of real-time analysis.

    Design and Implementation of Protocols Association Scbeme on Iu-PS Interface in TD-SCDMA Network
    Rui Li,Zhizhong Zhang
    2014, 30(9):  72-79.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2014.09.010
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    In order to identify the user traffic and analysis the user behavior on Iu-PS interface in TD-SCDMA network, the signaling plane protocol stack and the service plane protocol stack of Iu-PS interface were analysed and a scheme that associated with signaling plane protocols and service plane protocols were designed. In view of the low processing efficiency of signaling and service monitoring system and inability to associate with both signaling and service data, using the enhanced Hash algorithm and timeout processing technology,a protocols association scheme with synthetic solution of call detail record in both signaling and service plane were designed, which based on a key words association method. The scheme improves the efficiency of data processing, implements the effective association between signaling data and service data, and also lays the foundation for traffic identification and user behavior analysis. The accuracy and feasibility of this protocol association scheme has been validated by the real network testing, and this scheme has the important significance to promote in the field of mobile Internet traffic analysis.

    Researcb on Social Network Collaborative Filtering Based E-commerce Recommending
    Chunhua Ju,Fuguang Bao,Chonghuan Xu
    2014, 30(9):  82-86.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2014.09.011
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    With the development of the social network relation, whether the recommendation is successful, is not only depending on the characteristics of goods, but also influenced by social network relationship. Many users more trust from their friends'recommendation, rather than the machine recommended by single factor calculated results. Therefore, an E-commerce recommending system based on social network collaborative filtering was proposed. In the system, the crucial factors of social network relation intensity, interest preference intensity and production popularity with reputation intensity were set.And each first-level factor was composed of some second-level factors.Experimental results verify that social network relationships will affect users shopping behaviors and so on. In addition, the recommendation method based on social network is superior to other approaches and has better application effect.

    Researcb on Application Bidirectional Identity Autbentication Scbeme Based on Mobile Pbone Token
    Zhaohua Zheng,Jinlian Peng,Jieren Cheng
    2014, 30(9):  87-91.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2014.09.012
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    With the development of mobile information, security problems of mobile applications had become the focus of attention of the user. Authentication has many solutions. The dynamic password authentication technology is currently the most effective solution. After analyzing the current dynamic password shortcomings, a dynamic password authentication scheme based on improved mobile phone token to challenge / response was proposed. It uses fingerprint as the evidence of token, and can be two-way authentication, and has segment of double channel encryption communication. In addition, the security was analyzed. Analysis results show that the scheme is convenient to use and has high security and low cost. The scheme fully meets the higher security level of identity authentication on application requirements in mobile communication.

    Data Aggregation Scbeme Based on Multi-Resolution and Compressive Sensing in Wireless Sensor Network
    Jianjun Zhao,Huaiyu Wang,Zeyang Zhao,Shengchang Chen
    2014, 30(9):  92-99.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2014.09.013
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    A data aggregation scheme based on multi-resolution with compressed sensing was proposed. Firstly, the network was configured to achieve the multiple-level and the different types of cluster structure for intermediate data collection, on this structure, the leaf nodes in the lowest level only transmit the raw data. The collecting clusters in other levels perform the compressed sampling and then transmit them to their parent cluster heads. When parent collecting clusters receive random measurements, they use inverse DCT and DCT model based CoSaMP algorithm to recover the original data. The proposed scheme was implemented on a SIDnet-SWANS simulation platform and test different sizes of two-dimensional randomly deployed sensor network. The experiment results show that the substantial energy savings are reported for a large portion of sensors on the different hierarchical positions, ranging from 50% to 77% when compared with NCS, and from 37% to 70% when compared with HCS.

    Researcb on Enbanced Multi-Hop Broadcast Algoritbm in Vebicular Communications
    Haitao Zhao,Hongbo Zhu,Nanjie Liu,Gengxiong Cai
    2014, 30(9):  100-105.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2014.09.014
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    An enhanced neighbor information-based multi-hop broadcast protocol(ENIMBP)in highway scenarios was proposed, which calculated the forwarding waiting time by using vehicle neighbor information as well as position, speed and direction to select the optimal forwarding vehicle. In order to calculate the forwarding waiting time, ENIMBP employed position information for vehicles which with different distance to the broadcasting vehicle, while used speed and direction in addition for those with the same distance to the broadcasting vehicle. ENIMBP is a good solution to segmentation problem and hidden/exposed node problem in highway scenarios. Simulation results show that ENIMBP can significantly reduce the end to end delay in a sparse network, while maintaining a high packet delivery ratio.

    1 bit Compressive Spectrum Sensing Algoritbm Based on Distributed Model
    Zhijin Zhao,Weikang Hu,Junwei Hu
    2014, 30(9):  106-110.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2014.09.015
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    Since the actual sparsity of spectrum is unknown and time-varying, information transmit frequently between nodes in the distributed spectrum sensing network consumes communication bandwidth. To relieve the network communication bandwidth pressure, a spectrum algorithm based on 1 bit compressed sensing and distributed model was proposed. The sensing data of the nodes was compressive sampled and quantified in 1 bit, and then the data was fused in fusion node, through the mode of JSM-2. Finally the spectrum was reconstructed by the BIHT algorithm to implement spectrum sensing. Simulation results show that the proposed method has better spectrum detection performance with a few samples in low SNR, so it is a practical method of spectrum sensing.

    Spectrum Access Algoritbm Based on POMDP Model in CVANET
    Xuefei Zhang,Guoan Zhang,Yancheng Ji
    2014, 30(9):  111-115.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2014.09.016
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    For the dynamic features of cognitive vehicular Ad Hoc network(CVANET)channel state, a study on spectrum sensing and access of cognitive vehicle users was presented, which was based on framework of partially observable Markov decision process(POMDP). Then, a decentralized opportunity spectrum access based on POMDP model was proposed. Because there is a huge computational complexity, the greedy algorithm was sought. Finally, the influence factors of cognitive vehicle user throughput through the simulation were studied, and the feasibility of the algorithm was verified. The simulation results show that cognitive vehicle user's access throughput is effectively improved by this algorithm which avoid the happening of broadcast storm and also simplify the calculation.

    Researcb on New Internet Quality of Service Guarantee Tecbnology
    Fei Meng,Julong Lan,Yuxiang Hu
    2014, 30(9):  116-127.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2014.09.017
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    The scale of network traffic grows rapidly and the video trend of network traffic is becoming more and more serious, which make the traditional network architecture designed for data transmission can hardly satisfy current demands in quality of service(QoS)guarantee,flexibility,scalability,and other aspects.Industry and academia made a lot of new network architecture, aimed at enhancing the QoS capability at the architecture level. New internet QoS guarantee technology in both“incremental”and“clean slate”aspects was analyzed explicitly. In addition, wide-sense circuit and its deployment were introduced. Reconfigurable network architecture can adapt to future application development network and meet the compatible integration of evolution needs of existing network, with the characteristics of its adaptability to applications and functions scalability, providing a solution for the QoS guarantee of future network.

    Operating technology wide-angle
    Researcb on tbe Tecbnology of Application-Oriented Cloud Data Center Network
    Nan Chen,Yongbing Fan,Xiaowu He,Yi Liu,Zhilan Huang
    2014, 30(9):  128-132.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2014.09.018
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    The architecture of application-oriented cloud data center network, which is application-aware, network programmable, network virtualization, flexible and high available was proposed. The key technologies and their applications in each layer were analyzed. The proposed network architecture meets the requirements of data center network for cloud computing.

    Discussion on tbe Key Problems in tbe Application of SDN Tecbnology in Telecommunication Network
    Zhonghua Chen,Chengbin Shen,Jianping Zhang
    2014, 30(9):  133-138.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2014.09.019
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    Through the analysis on the architecture of SDN technology, the key problems in four aspects of deploying SDN in traditional communication network were provided, including data path constructing, control plane constructing, application integration and smooth evolution. Also, according to mainstream solution, a method of deploying SDN in communication network was given.

    Discussion on tbe Rules of Services Management Model for Adapting to User Bebaviors
    Xiaorong Shen
    2014, 30(9):  145-148.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2014.09.021
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    The existing services management system has been unable to meet the demands of consumers. To solve this problem, some rules of the services management model were provided, which created a user identity according to the service requirements of consumers, maintained the correspondence between the private user identities and public user identities to prevent public user identity registering to the network, maintained the correspondence between private user identity and services to reject the service request from a specified terminal.

    Testing and Analysis on LTE Base Station Energy Efficiency
    Shaoying Li,Zhanhai Zhuang,Weibin Ni
    2014, 30(9):  149-153.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2014.09.022
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    With the development of LTE network construction, the number of LTE base stations, users and the network traffic are increasing, and energy consumption of network is more prominent, due to the wireless access network energy consumption accounts for over 80% of energy consumption, wherein the base station energy costs accounted for the largest base of operations to become one of the most important expenses for operators. However, there is a lack of effective energy LTE device test methods and test data. To solve this problem, a base model for dynamic load energy consumption was established. According to the energy consumption testing and analysis of LTE base station equipment, control factors that affect the energy efficiency of LTE devices were introduced, different formats and different power station energy efficiency of equipment were compared, and suggestions for planning, procurement, construction, optimization were offered from the energy point of view.

    Design of Telecom Service Network Infrastructure and Analysis of Key Tecbnologies
    Gang Lu,Zhe Wang,Honghui Ou,Hui Wang
    2014, 30(9):  154-158.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2014.09.023
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    Telecom network is software and hardware and network environment to realize and safeguard the service, because of the changes of industrial environment and development of the hardware and software technology, telecommunication network need to upgrade and reconstruction. The demand, technology and architecture evolution of telecom network were described, and the architecture of the service network was proposed. Key technologies of software defined layer were analyzed especially. The development prospects of the service network were discussed.

    Researcb on a Unicast-Based IPTV Cbannel Cbange Solution
    Yi Weng,Liang Yao,Xi Xi
    2014, 30(9):  159-163.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2014.09.024
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    Channel zapping time is a major factor in the IPTV quality of experience. The factors that impact the length of the channel zapping time were analyzed, and a unicast-based fast channel change solution was studied both theoretically and experimentally.

    LTE Network Planning in Current Co-Existing GSM/TD-SCDMA/WLAN Systems
    Wei Liu,Haiyan Chen
    2014, 30(9):  164-168.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2014.09.025
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    To build LTE network in current co-existing GSM/TD-SCDMA/WLAN mobile systems, integrated planning for these 4 co-existing system is needed, which is important for accurate LTE planning and benefit for efficiency improvement and cost decreasing of the network deployment, also it is benefit for improvement of the network quality and QoE of customers. The integrated modeling based on different wireless environment and scenarios were analyzed, and the mentality, method and techniques for LTE network planning in current co-existing GSM/TD-SCDMA/WLAN mobile systems were provided.

Copyright Information
Authorized by: China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsored by: China Institute of Communications
Posts and Telecom Press Co., Ltd.
Publisher: Beijing Xintong Media Co., Ltd.
Editor-in-Chief: Chen Shanzhi
Editorial Director: Li Caishan
Address: F2, Beiyang Chenguang Building, Shunbatiao No.1 Courtyard, Fengtai District, Beijing, China
Postal Code: 100079
Tel: 010-53879277
Mailing Code: 2-397
ISSN 1000-0801
CN 11-2103/TN
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