Submission Guidelines

To support the publication of an article, an article processing charge (APC) is required. This covers the costs involved in each stage of the publishing process, such as editorial processing, typesetting, proofreading, paper printing, digital distribution and other publishing costs. Corresponding authors will receive a payment request email after the article is accepted. This email will contain the amount of the page fee payable for this article and the bank transfer method. Please make the remittance within 10 days. After the remittance, please contact the journal editorial department for confirmation and provide the invoice information.


For manuscripts that are submitted on or after January 1st, 2018, there are no page charges for papers of 8 or fewer than 8 printed pages (including tables, illustrations and references). Each additional complete or partial page is charged to the authors at CNY 800.00.


Frequently-asked questions (FAQ)

1. Who is responsible for making or arranging the payment?
As the corresponding author of the manuscript you are responsible for making or arranging the payment upon editorial acceptance of the manuscript.
2. At which stage is the amount I will need to pay fixed?
The APC payable for an article will be determined from the date on which the article is accepted for publication.
3. When and how do I pay?
Upon editorial acceptance of an article, the corresponding author (you) will be notified that payment is due.
The payment method will be detailed in the payment email sent to the corresponding author.
4. What is your APC refund policy?
JCIN will refund an article processing charge (APC) if an error on our part has resulted in a failure to publish the article. This may include the failure to make an article available on the journal platform, or publication of an article under a different Creative Commons licence from that selected by the author(s). A refund will only be offered if these errors have not been corrected within 30 days of publication.
APCs will not be refunded when articles are retracted as a result of author error or misconduct.