天地一体化信息网络 ›› 2023, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (2): 24-30.doi: 10.11959/j.issn.2096-8930.2023016

• 专题:卫星互联网安全技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


劳陈哲, 孙建锋   

  1. 上海卫星互联网研究院有限公司,上海 200120
  • 修回日期:2023-05-15 出版日期:2023-06-20 发布日期:2023-06-01
  • 作者简介:劳陈哲(1992- ),男,上海卫星互联网研究院有限公司高级工程师,主要研究方向为空间激光通信技术,包括光通信收发天线设计、分集接收技术、光学矢量相控阵技术等
    孙建锋(1978- ),男,上海卫星互联网研究院有限公司高级专家,长期从事空间激光通信及检验技术研究工作

Interference and Protection in Satellite Laser Communication

Chenzhe LAO, Jianfeng SUN   

  1. Shanghai Satellite Network Research Institute, Shanghai 200120, China
  • Revised:2023-05-15 Online:2023-06-20 Published:2023-06-01



关键词: 激光有源干扰, 大气湍流, 干扰防护


In order to explore the safety protection technologies for various external interferences in satellite laser communication, four interference sources in the satellite laser communication link and their principles were introduced, included atmospheric turbulence, space background noise, weak light interference, and strong laser interference.And numerical models commonly used in theoretical analysis of the first two interferences were provided.Weak light interference and strong laser interference, also known as laser active interference, were artificial interference methods.From the scheme of communication, the impact of these four interference sources on coherent and incoherent communication systems was analyzed, and the current mainstream protection technologies for these four interferences under different systems were provided.The characteristics of various protection technologies were compared from versatility, cost, usability and their main application scenarios in satellite laser communication were explained.

Key words: laser active jamming, atmospheric turbulence, defense measures of jamming


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