
  • Process

    Special note: This journal has introduced the CNKI duplication checking system, and the repetition rate of the submitted papers and the published papers (including master's degree papers) exceeds 20%, which will not be included.

    This journal implements open access and double-blind review. Please read this manuscript carefully before submitting.

    The average time from submission to publication is 5 months (20 weeks).


    To submit a manuscript, please visit the website of Chinese Journal on Internet of Things. Click the button “Author Login”, and use the Academic Journal Management System. For a new user, please register an “Author Account”, and then submit a manuscript following the guidance.



    The review cycle is three months. Within three months, the manuscript will go through three reviews. The author can view the status and review results of the manuscript in the system (hire, return for revision, return for manuscript).
    1. Preliminary review
    Review the quality of the manuscript, check whether the manuscript has political, policy, security and confidentiality, national, religious, social sensitivity and academic misconduct issues, potential technical errors, whether it conforms to the purpose of the journal, whether it belongs to the scope of publication, and put forward clear handling opinions on the manuscript.
    2. Peer review
    Double-blind peer review are adopted for external review to control the academic quality of manuscripts. The Editorial Department will submit the manuscript to two industry experts in the same field for review, and synthesize the review opinions of the two external audit experts to give the external audit comprehensive opinions. When the opinions of the two external audit experts are inconsistent, the manuscript shall be sent to the third external audit expert for review, and the external audit opinions shall be finally determined comprehensively.

    All submissions will be reviewed by referees selected by the editorial board. The decision of acceptance or rejection of a manuscript is made by the editorial board based on the referees’ reports. The entire review process may take 60 to 90 days, and the editorial office will inform the author of the decision as soon as the process is completed. If the editorial board fails to make a decision within 90 days, it is up to the authors to decide whether they would withdraw their paper and submit it elsewhere.
    3. Final review
    Review the comments of the preliminary review and external review, and make a final decision on whether the manuscript can be published.



    No fee or charge is required for manuscript review. A publications fee is required for each publication. 400 yuan/page for less than 8 pages, additional charge of 100 yuan for each page of more than 8 pages, and the responsible editor will calculate the page fee according to the number of pages in the manuscript, and notify the author of the amount of the page fee and relevant procedures. An invoice for the charge will be sent to the corresponding author by the Editorial Office.


    Edit working

    Manuscripts that have been hired and completed the formalities of paying the page fee will enter the editing process. When encountering relevant problems in the editing process, they will communicate with the author for modification and improvement. After that, typesetting, proofreading and printing will be carried out.


     Sample issue

    After the current magazine is published, it will be mailed by printed matter according to the mailing address designated by the first author or contributor. Number of sample publications: one for each article.

  • 2019-12-04 Visited: 9683

Copyright Information
Quarterly,started in 2017
Cpmpetent Unit:Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China
Sponsor:Posts & Telecom Press Co.,Ltd.
Publisher: China InfoCom Media Group
Editor:Editor Board of Chinese Journal on Internet of Things
Editor-in-Chief:YIN Hao
Executive Editor-in-Chief:ZHU Hongbo
Director:LI Caishan
Address:F2, Beiyang Chenguang Building, Shunbatiao No.1 Courtyard, Fengtai District, Beijing, China
ISSN 2096-3750
CN 10-1491/TP
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