大数据 ›› 2016, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (1): 1-18.doi: 10.11959/j.issn.2096-0271.2016001
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Binxing FANG1,2,Yan JIA2,Aiping LI2,Rong JIANG2
方滨兴, 贾焰, 李爱平, 江荣. 大数据隐私保护技术综述[J]. 大数据, 2016, 2(1): 1-18.
Binxing FANG, Yan JIA, Aiping LI, Rong JIANG. Privacy preservation in big data:a survey[J]. Big Data Research, 2016, 2(1): 1-18.
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