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Current Issue

    20 March 2017, Volume 33 Issue 3
    research and development
    Power control for full-duplex D2D communications underlaying cellular networks
    Jihong ZHAO,Qiang HE,Hua QU,Zhirong LUAN
    2017, 33(3):  1-7.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2017056
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    Device-to-device (D2D) communications that based on the wireless full-duplex transmission mode can not only reuse the cellular users' spectrum resource, but also significantly improve the spectral efficiency and the system throughout in wireless cellular networks. However, full-duplex D2D communications may generate same frequency interference to the reused cellular user (CU) while full-duplex D2D users share the same resources as CU in uplink. A low-complexity power control algorithm was proposed to maximize the full-duplex D2D links throughput while guaranteeing the quality of service(QoS)requirements for full-duplex D2D users and CU.Numerical results show that the proposed algorithm can improve the full-duplex D2D links throughput.Moreover,the performance of full-duplex D2D communications depend on the QoS requirements of CU, the distance of D2D pair and self-interference cancelation amounts.

    Dynamic frame length selection algorithm for slotted access in LTE-Advanced
    Hongguang DUAN,Songpin LU,Lifei WANG,Sheng WANG,Tonghui LI,Dan TAN
    2017, 33(3):  8-13.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2017060
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    Through analyzing the random access model of slotted access based channel access control protocol (SCACP) in LTE-Advanced system, an optimization algorithm for access frame length selection based on slotted access was proposed. The dynamic frame length selection in slotted access based on network real-time access load was realized. Moreover, the optimized access frame length was more suitable for current access load than before. It could ensure a high success rate of access, eliminate the unnecessary access delay and decrease the number of retransmissions to some extent. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed dynamic frame length selection algorithm is more effective and practical.

    Fingerprint localization algorithm based on linear spatial dependence of WLAN RSS
    Xiaoliang XU,Jian GAO,He HUANG,Zhe MA
    2017, 33(3):  14-21.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2017064
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    Due to RSS time-varying and difference of signal receiving ability of different terminals,the performance of RSS-based technologies is usually instability.In order to solve such problem, a novel fingerprint localization algorithm based on linear spatial dependence of RSS was proposed.Multiple sets of RSS samples were collected at each reference point to form a feature matrix and an offline location fingerprint database was conducted.When the real-time RSS matrix was used to calculate the correlation between the real-time RSS matrix and the reference point of the fingerprint library, the k-reference points were obtained, and the final position of the user was calculated by the quadratic weighted centroid algorithm.In order to effectively reduce the influence of signal time-varying,the sampling and sorting process were carried out, and the number of sampling times increased as much as possible when constructing the offline fingerprint database,but the samples needed to be aggregated to fit the positioning correlation calculation.Experiment results show that the proposed algorithm can guarantee the high positioning accuracy and also achieve the better stability for different terminal.

    Application of polar code in LTE system
    Jin XU,Mengzhu CHEN,Jinnan PIAO
    2017, 33(3):  22-28.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2017066
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    In order to implement the application of polar code in LTE system,two kinds of coding modulation schemes under LTE radio link were proposed,which were multilevel coding polar coded modulation (MLC-PCM)scheme and bit interleave polar coding modulation (BIPCM)scheme.MLC-PCM scheme highlights that multilevel polarization design is significant to the promotion of system performance in communication system.Furthermore,the length of polar code may not be the power of 2 for different business requirement,so a rate match scheme that was easy to implement and well property for polar codes was proposed,to make the length of polar codes change arbitrarily.Finally,compared with the Turbo code modulation scheme in LTE system on all the MCS level,polar code modulation can have a obvious gain.

    Hybrid RZF precoding algorithm for mmWave massive MIMO system
    Bin XIE,Shumin XIE,Shurui LIU
    2017, 33(3):  29-35.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2017062
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    The high cost of system and high power consumption of the traditional full digital precoding in mmWave massive MIMO systems was studied, which caused by a large number of radio frequency (RF) chain. A scheme with hybrid precoder at base station and analog combiner at user terminal was proposed. Based on the consideration of the channel characteristic, the analog precoding vectors and analog combining vectors were designed according to the antenna array response vectors of transmitting and receiving ends,respectively.Then a low dimension digital precoding was used to eliminate the influence of system noise and inter-user interference on the basis of the effective channel matrix.Simulation results show that,on the basis of effectively reducing the number of RF chain required by the system, the proposed hybrid precoding algorithm approach the performance of the full digital precoding.

    A two-level method for elephant flow identification
    Junrong YAN,Jingchang YE,Peng PAN
    2017, 33(3):  36-43.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2017076
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    The high accuracy and low overhead of elephant flows identification have a great meaning on solving the controller's single point of failure problem in SDN traffic management.Aiming at the problem of high overhead of the existing elephant flows identification method,a two-level method for elephant flows identification was proposed which included a suspicious elephant detection algorithm based on TCP write-queue in the first stage and areal elephant detection algorithm based on flow duration in the second stage.During the first stage,the suspicious elephant flows were identified in the end systems to reduce the amount of flows monitored by the SDN controller at the second stage.Analysis and simulation prove that, under the premise of ensuring the accuracy of elephant flow identification, the two-level method for elephant flows identification reduces about 85% overhead of identification compared with sampling identification method.

    Optimal deployment of energy-efficient ultra-dense network
    Liang GE,Zhixu WANG
    2017, 33(3):  44-51.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2017068
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    In order to maximize energy efficiency, the stochastic geometry method was used to model the uplink of a multi-cell multi-user MIMO cellular network.Then the system power consumption model was ameliorated.Based on this,an energy efficiency maximization problem with respect to base station density,transmit power,the number of base station antennas,users per cell and pilot reuse factor was obtained.Solving the problem,the optimal network deployment,as well as the relationship between the optimal variables,hardware characteristics and propagation environment was obtained.Finally, simulation and numerical results show that the ultra-dense network deployment can significantly improve the energy efficiency.However,with the further increase of the density of the base station,the improvement of the energy efficiency was quickly saturated.More interestingly,the deployment scenario determined by the energy efficiency optimization was just massive MIMO scenarios.

    Illumination and expression robust face recognition using collaboration of double-dictionary's sparse representation-based classification
    Fei GONG,Wei JIN,Keqing ZHU,Randi FU,Yan CAO
    2017, 33(3):  52-58.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2017057
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    A face recognition method named WT-CSRC was proposed by using wavelet transform (WT) and a collaboration of double-dictionary's sparse representation-based classification (CSRC). Firstly, the proposed method used principal component analysis (PCA) to achieve the fusion of three high-frequency detail sub-images which were generated by WT, and a integrated high-frequency detail image could be obtained; then, features extracted from the low-frequency images and high-frequency detail images by PCA were used to construct the low-frequency feature space and high-frequency detail space; and low-frequency dictionary and high-frequency dictionary could be constructed by samples' projection on two kinds of feature space. Finally, face images could be classified by a collaborative classification via sparse representation in two dictionaries, and the reliability of the recognition could be enhanced by using the cross correlation coefficient. Experimental results show that, the proposed method has high recognition rate with strong illumination and expression robustness with acceptable time efficiency.

    Continuous speech speaker recognition based on CNN
    Zhendong WU,Shucheng PAN,Jianwu ZHANG
    2017, 33(3):  59-66.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2017046
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    In the last few years, with the constant improvement of the social life level, the requirement for speech recognition is getting higher and higher. GMM-HMM (Gaussian mixture-hidden Markov model) have been the main method for speaker recognition. Because of the bad modeling capability of big data and the bad performance of robustness, the development of this model meets the bottleneck.In order to solve this question, researchers began to focus on deep learning technologies. CNN deep learning model for continuous speech speaker recognition was introduced and CSR-CNN model was put forward. The model extracts fixed-length and right-order phonetic fraction to form an ordered sound spectrograph. Then input the voiceprint extract from CNN model to a reward-penalty function to continuous measurement. Experimental results show that CSR-CNN model has very good recognition effectin continuous speech speaker recognition field.

    A novel LTE indoor location system based on multiple antenna clusters
    Yajuan LV,Shan LIU,Rongyi HU,Wenhao ZHANG
    2017, 33(3):  67-75.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2017037
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    With the rapid development of mobile internet services, demands of location service are becoming more diversified, then the location technologies become the key to satisfy the requirements. Long term evolution (LTE) indoor networks can solve the problem that GPS (global positioning system) signal can't arrive in indoor and provide high precision location service. However, LTE indoor location system need high precision synchronization among different base stations, and this is a new challenge for indoor network deployment. To solve the problem, a new LTE wireless location system based on multiple antenna clusters was proposed. The system could get TDOA(time difference of arrival) through uplink SRS (sounding reference signal) and it didn't need synchronization between different clusters which reduced the difficulty of network deployment. Then, a new location algorithm was designed which could support flexible antenna configuration. Finally, simulations and experimental measurements were given to verify the efficiency of the system and algorithm. Results show that meter indoor location accuracy can be realized.

    Network fault location based on bipartite graphs for communication and information networks
    Limin CUI,Qingsu HE,Junsheng WANG,Xin SHI
    2017, 33(3):  76-82.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2017077
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    The current State Grid communication and information networks rely on two separate network management systems.Such management structure brings challenges to network fault location,which calls for joint network fault analyze method. Grasping the transmission correlation of network nodes, a joint network fault location mechanism based on bipartite graph model was proposed.Firstly,network nodes were clustered into multiple sub-domains based on their fault correlation.Then,the bipartite graph fault correlation model was established for each sub-domain.Finally,the target sorting method was applied to locate network faults in every sub-domain simultaneously.Simulation experiments show that this method can locate network faults with high accuracy.

    Wireless resource allocation for distributed caching system:motivation, challenge and solution
    Li WANG,Zhiyong FENG,Ping ZHANG
    2017, 33(3):  83-94.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2017069
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    The diversified development and popularization of the mobile social network platform has made the demand of data transmission for mobile users show an explosive growth trend,and put forward new challenges to the lack of spectrum resources and the management of high load base stations. To solve such problems, the distributed caching system was introduced into the wireless collaboration network by allowing users to cache popular content items cooperatively, for effective content sharing among users with low energy consumption,high reliability and low latency,while offloading base station and backhaul data traffic. Firstly, the challenges and problems for wireless resource allocation in wireless distributed caching system were analyzed.Graph and matching theory based on methodologies were discussed to solve the resource management problems in terms of energy efficiency,spectral efficiency and secure transmission respectively.In addition,the feasibility of mining and using social information to improve the efficiency of wireless resources was discussed and analyzed, which provided a brief outlook on future interdisciplinary research between social science and wireless network.

    Operating technology wide-angle
    Research on VPN service for government and enterprise customers in SDN-based vCPE networks
    Fengchao FU,Peng WANG,Yuanbao XIE
    2017, 33(3):  95-99.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2017053
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    SDN technology has been studied widely recently. The main idea of SDN-based vCPE is using custom hardware and software to replace CPE. All vCPEs are managed by the SDN controller in a centralized way and the open programmable north interface can be provided. In this way, not only a wealth of value-added services can be provided for government and enterprise customers, but also the pace of deploying services can be speeded up and the flexibility can be enhanced. A SDN based vCPE model was proposed and the problem of how to realize VPN services for government and enterprise customers in SDN-based vCPE networks according to their own needs was researched. Three VPN technologies of VxLAN VPN, MPLS VPN and IPSec VPN were proposed and they were compared from different perspectives. In addition, fused schemes were proposed to combine the advantages in security, transmission rate and QoS, so that government and enterprise customers can select flexible VPN products according to their own needs in bandwidth, security, delay and others.

    Research and practice of POTN equipment modeling method based on transporrt API
    Ruiquan JING,Qian HU,Guoyong ZHAO
    2017, 33(3):  100-106.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2017075
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    How to control packet enhanced OTN (POTN)equipment by using hierarchical SDN controllers is the research focus of the transport SDN, which involves reasonable modeling of POTN equipments. Firstly, the status of POTN equipment modeling method based on transport API was analyzed. Then a modeling method for centralized switching POTN equipment was proposed. During OIF/ONF 2016 global transport SDN prototype demonstration, the proposed modeling method was verified by testing.

    Solution for smart government cloud based on cloud security technology
    Qianhua ZHANG,Jianwu ZHANG
    2017, 33(3):  107-111.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2017063
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    The national Twelfth Five-year Plan have proposed to strengthen information sharing and austerity,government cloud development are planning this plan. Governments across the country are integrating hardware and software resources to jointly build a public e-government platform.With the promotion of government cloud,the implementation of the problem will follow. Government cloud construction needs to solve the problem of information islands among government departments,while taking into account the security risks of cloud computing technology.From the point of view of security inheritance, e-government cloud business is still a government business system, which need a high degree of security protection.From the point of view of security compliance,the government bureau of the commission need to be classified according to its importance. Combined with the current cloud security technology, a kind of e-government cloud solution was put forward, which provided a comprehensive security scheme for security system planning,security automation deployment and security supervision.

    Application of security analysis technology for network big data
    Laifu WANG,Huamin JIN,Dongxin LIU,Shuai WANG
    2017, 33(3):  112-118.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2017061
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    Big data technology and solutions have been continuously booming for several years,which has brought much innovation ideas and opportunities for security analysis.From the perspective of telecom operators,the architecture and key technology of the big data security analytic platform were analyzed, which were based on the network big data including Netflow,DPI,DNS and so on.At last,some related function and service scenarios of big data security analytic services were introduced.

    Implementation and evaluation of big data desensitization system based on format-preserving encryption
    Chaoyi BIAN,Shaomin ZHU,Tao ZHOU
    2017, 33(3):  119-125.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2017059
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    Data desensitization is a process that makes some special transformations on sensitive data in order to protect the secrecy and privacy from being acquired by malicious attackers.Format-preserving encryption is one of the techniques of data desensitization, which has the advantage of keeping data format unchanged so that the upper layer applications are not affected.Along with the coming of big data and the wide application of the Hadoop platform, data desensitization techniques for traditional relational database management systems cannot satisfy the need of production. A data desensitization system based on format-preserving encryption for Hadoop platform was implemented, which provided the encryption support for multiple data storage formats and data value types. Moreover, three different sorts of implementations were discussed, and a series of experiments were carried out to evaluate the performance.

    Research and implementation of data security for mobile terminal based on TEE
    Shuzhen CHEN,Minwei YANG,Yao HE
    2017, 33(3):  126-133.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2017036
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    The three kinds of data security scheme for mobile terminal were analyzed and compared. The framework of data security for mobile terminal based on TEE was proposed, and the typical mobile payment scheme based on TEE was discussed. On the basis of the typical scheme, an innovative business plan based on TEE to adjust the payment amount of fingerprintsdynamically was proposed, and finally the core code was given.

    Electric power information column
    A big data based flow anomaly detection mechanism of electric power information network
    Honghong JIANG,Tao ZHANG,Xinjian ZHAO,Xin QIAN,Tiancheng ZHAO,Lisha GAO
    2017, 33(3):  134-141.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2017031
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    With the construction of smart grid, the electric power information network and its business system get rapid development. The early flow anomaly detection and warning are significant to the safety of network. Due to the lack of efficient measuring means to handle the flow abnormal problems, a flow anomaly detection mechanism based on big data for the electric power information network was proposed. Through the comparative analysis of two common anomaly detection algorithms, the improved local outlier factor algorithm (M-LOF) and the support vector data description (SVDD) algorithm, the suitable flow anomaly detection method for electric power information network was summarized.

    Design and implementation of electric cloud's resource pool
    Ning YANG,Huayong LUO,Xing LI,Feng SHANG,Tao CHEN,Guoxia WANG
    2017, 33(3):  142-147.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2017073
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    Cloud computing promotes the information construction and becomes an inevitable choice for electric enterprise.How to make cloud computing land is a huge problem for electric enterprise.The concept of electric cloud was proposed and it was confirmed that resource pool was one of the technologies to make cloud computing land in electric enterprise. According to the characters of electric enterprise, the designing principle about the capacity and the base schema of resource pool was proposed.And the implementation plans of the resource pool were given.The key factors of resource pool and their assembling methods can be known clearly form the base schema of resource pool,there is great practical importance on the planning and strategy of resource pool.

    Application of intelligent optical fiber monitoring technology in power optical communication
    Yongfeng WANG,Chunjiao LOU,Runbin LIU
    2017, 33(3):  148-155.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2017052
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    Intelligent optical fiber monitoring technology (eODN)is the advanced network operation and maintenance technology in optical fiber communication. Firstly, the operation and maintenance analysis of the intelligent grid fiber network was carried out. Then, the feasibility of eODN technology in intelligent optical communication was analyzed from the basic principles of eODN, application feasibility, proposal of fault treatment and market application. eODN can realize the intelligent management of power optical fiber network, enhance the reliability of power optical fiber communication and the convenience of network maintenance.

    Information technology application of nuclear power station commissioning under the background of internet+
    Youwen FANG,Fuquan ZHANG,Liang YE
    2017, 33(3):  156-162.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2017055
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    Early in the process as the center of nuclear power engineering information has some limits, such as old architecture, extensibility, poor user experience, insufficient workflow engine, unstandard data, complex interface, etc. In order to solve these problems, combined with existing achievements of intelligent power station project of company, idea of promoting informatization construction step by step from four aspects of foundation platform construction, standardization construction, fine management, innovation application, was put forward. Based on top level design scheme of intelligent power station project of company, the detailed construction plan was elaborated from the aspects of architecture, application scenarios and data assets. Finally, advice was given on the informatization implementation path, operation mechanism and demonstration construction project.

    Enterprise information system automatic fault diagnosis and analysis method based on decision tree
    Xin JIN,Longchuan YAN,Jun LIU,Shulin ZHANG
    2017, 33(3):  163-167.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2017058
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    With the rapid growth of the scale and complexity of enterprise information systems, traditional fault diagnosis and analysis methods relying on human experiences and manual operations cost more and more labor and time. To solve this problem, an automatic algorithm was proposed. The algorithm exploits information from system operation monitoring indicators and alarm data, based on decision tree, to automatically diagnose and analyze faults of enterprise information systems. The algorithm was verified, and the decision tree model and training method was simulated and analyzed comparatively under R language environment, using alarm data extracted from real operation data of a typical large-scale enterprise system. The experiment results show that this algorithm is able to achieve fast automatic fault diagnosis accurately, and is much helpful on improving efficiencies of information system fault processing.

    An emotional neural network based approach for wind power prediction
    Guoling ZHANG
    2017, 33(3):  168-172.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2017005
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    Accurate wind power forecasting is vital for the integration of wind power into the grid. Emotional neural network (ENN)——a new type of neural network which could be used to model complex systems and patterns, was used to forecast wind power. To prevent ENN from stucking in locally optimal solution in the process of training, genetic algorithm was proposed to train ENN. The root-mean-square and the standard deviation of the forecast errors were also adopted to measure the accuracy and reliability of the forecast to test the performance of ENN. The results demonstrate that, compared with artificial neural network, ENN can improve the accuracy and reliability of the forecast by 3.8% and 46% respectively.

Copyright Information
Authorized by: China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsored by: China Institute of Communications
Posts and Telecom Press Co., Ltd.
Publisher: Beijing Xintong Media Co., Ltd.
Editor-in-Chief: Chen Shanzhi
Editorial Director: Li Caishan
Address: F2, Beiyang Chenguang Building, Shunbatiao No.1 Courtyard, Fengtai District, Beijing, China
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ISSN 1000-0801
CN 11-2103/TN
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