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    30 June 2017, Volume 1 Issue 1
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    Technology and application progress on Internet of Things
    WU He-quan
    2017, 1(1):  1-6.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.2096-3750.2017.00001
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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is an important part of the new generation information technology, and also the important stage of information development. The technology and distinguishing feature of the narrow band-IoT were introduced. Around the big data, artificial intelligence, mobile Internet and cloud computing, the new applications brought about by the combination of IoT and the technologies mentioned above were illustrated. Finally, the security challenges and possible countermeasures of IoT were discussed.
    Global IoT development status and development proposals of IoT in China
    LUO Song, JIA Xue-qin, XU He-yuan, LIU Duo
    2017, 1(1):  7-12.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.2096-3750.2017.00002
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    The overall status of the development of the global Internet of Things was studied. From the perspective of the global Internet of Things policy development, capital dynamics, industrial development and other aspects, the important progress of the key sectors of the Internet of Things was analyzed. The main progress and characteristics of the development of the Internet of Things in China were summarized. The challenges faced by the development of the Internet of things in China were pointed out. In the end, proposals for pushing the Internet of Things and the related of industry development of China are proposed.
    State of the art of industrial network technologies: a review and outlook
    ZHANG Hong-ke, CHENG Yu-jun, YANG Dong
    2017, 1(1):  13-20.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.2096-3750.2017.00003
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    Started with the context of industrial Internet, the state of the art and existing problems of current industrial networks were discuessed from both communication research field and industrial research field. To address the existing problems, a novel network architecture called smart and collaborative network was introduced. This architecture can adapt the necessary network resources to various industrial services, and meet the stringent requirements of the specific industrial services. Smart and collaborative network architecture has been adopted in welder group monitor application and high-speed railway repairing workshop successfully.
    Blockchain for IoT: the tradeoff between consistency and capacity
    ZHA Xuan, WANG Xu, NI Wei, LIU Ren-ping, GUO Ying-jie, NIU Xin-xin, ZHENG Kang-feng
    2017, 1(1):  21-33.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.2096-3750.2017.00004
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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is poised to transform people’s lives and unleash enormous economic benefit. However, inadequate data security and trust of current IoT are seriously limiting its adoption. Blockchain, a distributed and tamper-resistant ledger, has the potential to resolve the myriad of security, data integrity and reliability concerns in IoT. Integrating blockchain technology into IoT has many challenges, including massive IoT devices, limited computing power, low bandwidth and error-prone radio links, which can have significant impact on the consistency and capacity of the blockchain based IoT. After survey existing theories on consistency and capacity in distributed networks, blockchain-based IoT security architectures is discussed, and future directions in optimally leveraging consistency and capacity of blockchain for IoT applications is pointed out with a review of relevant theories.
    Analysis of potential vulnerabilities and security testing in industrial control system
    ZHANG Xiao-ming, WANG Li-hong, HE Yue-ying, HE Shi-ping
    2017, 1(1):  34-39.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.2096-3750.2017.00005
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    Industrial control system (ICS) is the key part of critical infrastructure. With the development of industrial information, network information technology is widely used in industry. Meantime, the cyber security risk in industry is also growing in intensity. The potential vulnerabilities of ICS were analyzed based on its built-in attributes and application features, and set forth the importance of setting up security test and assess authentication in industry. Finally, the main idea about how to improve the security of ICS is summarized and future work is prospected.
    IoT software platform and its intelligent development
    LI Zhi-gang, ZHOU Xing-she
    2017, 1(1):  40-49.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.2096-3750.2017.00006
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    Internet of Things (IoT) connects hundreds of billions of physical objects, and uses information technologies to monitor and control the physical world. Software platform is the key component of IoT system. The core of IoT software platform is the IoT operating system, which are the tentacles of the platform to the terminal of IoT system. The capability elements of the IoT operating system were presented and important IoT operating systems were compared . Middleware is also the important part of IoT system, which hides the complex details of IoT system and supports rapid development of IoT applications. Three kinds of IoT middleware were classified and their different characteristics were analyzed. Finally, based on the analysis of the challenges of intelligent IoT system, the development trend of intelligent IoT software platform was provided.
    Research on push cache of large-scale converging access networks
    LAN Ju-long, WANG Peng, SHEN Juan, ZHANG Xiao-hui, HU Yu-xiang, ZHANG Jian-hui
    2017, 1(1):  50-54.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.2096-3750.2017.00007
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    Aiming at the problem of many repeated traffic in the network, the idea of offset-caching (OC) was put forward creatively based on the idea of large-scale access convergence network. In the backbone network, the hot content was pushed to the network access point as close as possible to the users. In the access network, the cached content in the network was multicasted access point to the users. The idea would provide a resolution to improve the quality of the user experience, reduce the network traffic and the server load.
    Indoor localization system based on multi-information fusion
    NIU Jian-wei, QI Zhi-ping, LYU Wei-feng, LI Hui-yong, SHENG Hao
    2017, 1(1):  55-66.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.2096-3750.2017.00008
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    GPS is used for localization usually, but cannot be applied indoors. It was a popular topic on how to do the indoor localization accurately. In the early research, indoor localization system based on Wi-Fi fingerprints suffer from the accuracy and site survey problems. Therefore, a novel room-level indoor localization system was designed, which solved the localization problem by using multi-information fusion. Firstly, a top-n candidate through the Wi-Fi fingerprint was gotten, kNN classification algorithm was used after MAC address and the RSSI were gotten. The candidate set was filtered by the geomagnetic signal and the image information. Finally, the social information was used to give the final location results of people in the room. The system was validated on smart phone with Android system. The experimental results show that proposed method is more accurate than the Wi-Fi fingerprint localization algorithm.
    Backscatter communication technology and Internet of Things
    WANG Gong-pu, XIONG Ke, LIU Ming, GAO Fei-fei, ZHONG Zhang-dui
    2017, 1(1):  67-75.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.2096-3750.2017.00009
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    The origin of backscatter technology has been widely applied in logistics domain. One of the successful commercial applications of backscatter technology is electronic toll collection (ETC). Recently, with the extensive usage of Internet of Things (IoT), both academic world and industrial world proposes several new types of backscatter technologies for communications. The history of both IoT and backscatter was reviewed, the rising communication technologies of backscatter was concluded, their potential applications were predicted, and the coming challenges were analyzed, such as wireless energy harvesting, signal detection, multiple access, capacity bounds and security.
    Low power enabled IoT services faced challenges and NB-IoT operation strategies
    ZHANG Yun-yong, JIA Xue-qin
    2017, 1(1):  76-80.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.2096-3750.2017.00010
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    The main challenges faced by low power enabled IoT services come from two aspects. From the network and terminal aspect, module cost is high, and power consumption, as well as network coverage is not ideal. From the operation aspect, connectivity increases but income does not increase in the same scale as the connectivity does. Additionally, business fragmentation is another challenge from operation aspect. Comparing with other un-authorized spectrum LPWANs, e.g., LoRa, NB-IoT has many advantages in terms of mobility, reliability and security, and so on. So it is more suitable for large scale operation. In the end, the NB-IoT operation strategies are proposed, including quickly deploying NB-IoT network, expanding the network connection services to upper services, focusing on key industries and strengthening industrial cooperation.
    Water quality monitoring system based on IoT
    QIAO Hui
    2017, 1(1):  81-85.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.2096-3750.2017.00011
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    In view of the traditional water quality monitoring system has some problems, such as monitoring nodes extension is not flexible, long distance transmission interference, etc. through the research and optimization of water quality monitoring system of data communication mode, monitoring node and sensing element, a water quality monitoring system based on IoT technology was designed. Studied the support selection of sensor deployment of monitoring nodes and gateway, water quality data was collected by monitoring nodes, the collected data through LoRa network summary and processing, and remote transmission in a timely manner to the system through GPRS network, to realize real-time monitoring of water quality situation, and the command communication and remote control of the monitoring node and gateway.
    Technical research on IoT standards and open sources
    LIN Zhao-ji, HUANG Zheng, WANG Xiang, ZHANG Bo-shan, CHU Jun-sheng, SHAO Wei-xiang, YOU Shi-lin, HU Jie, ZHAO Xiao-wu, MENG Wei
    2017, 1(1):  86-93.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.2096-3750.2017.00012
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    Internet of Things (IoT) is springing up at an amazing speed with a large number of new innovations and applications emerging in the vertical industries. However, technology and market fragmentation is still big challenges to a sustainable IoT ecosystem. Standard and open source are two most commonly used tools and are always complementary in terms of unity and agility. They are currently booming and looking for ways of integration in various IoT standards developing organizations and open source communities. It’s aimed to dig out the IoT standardization trends hidden behind the facts shown.

Copyright Information
Quarterly,started in 2017
Cpmpetent Unit:Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China
Sponsor:Posts & Telecom Press Co.,Ltd.
Publisher: China InfoCom Media Group
Editor:Editor Board of Chinese Journal on Internet of Things
Editor-in-Chief:YIN Hao
Executive Editor-in-Chief:ZHU Hongbo
Director:LI Caishan
Address:F2, Beiyang Chenguang Building, Shunbatiao No.1 Courtyard, Fengtai District, Beijing, China
ISSN 2096-3750
CN 10-1491/TP
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