大数据 ›› 2017, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (5): 3-19.doi: 10.11959/j.issn.2096-0271.2017047
• 专题:大数据安全和隐私保护 • 下一篇
Shudong LI1,2,Yan JIA2,Xiaobo WU3,Aiping LI2,Xiaodong YANG4,Dawei ZHAO5
Supported by:
李树栋, 贾焰, 吴晓波, 李爱平, 杨小东, 赵大伟. 从全生命周期管理角度看大数据安全技术研究[J]. 大数据, 2017, 3(5): 3-19.
Shudong LI, Yan JIA, Xiaobo WU, Aiping LI, Xiaodong YANG, Dawei ZHAO. Techniques of big data security from the perspective of life cycle management[J]. Big Data Research, 2017, 3(5): 3-19.
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