大数据 ›› 2022, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (6): 127-142.doi: 10.11959/j.issn.2096-0271.2022052
崔雨萌, 王靖亚, 闫尚义, 陶知众
崔雨萌(1998- ),男,中国人民公安大学信息网络安全学院硕士生,主要研究方向为命名实体识别基金资助:
Yumeng CUI, Jingya WANG, Shangyi YAN, Zhizhong TAO
Supported by:
崔雨萌, 王靖亚, 闫尚义, 陶知众. 基于深度学习的警情记录关键信息自动抽取[J]. 大数据, 2022, 8(6): 127-142.
Yumeng CUI, Jingya WANG, Shangyi YAN, Zhizhong TAO. Automatic key information extraction of police records based on deep learning[J]. Big Data Research, 2022, 8(6): 127-142.
模型 | 训练周期 | 精确率 | 召回率 | F1值 | 消耗时间/min |
CNN-LSTM | 40 | 72.87% | 74.94% | 73.98% | 91 |
BiLSTM-CRF | 40 | 95.50% | 92.09% | 93.76% | 398 |
BiGRU-CRF | 40 | 96.38% | 93.22% | 93.54% | 245 |
BiGRU-SelfAtt-CRF | 40 | 96.14% | 93.37% | 93.61% | 252 |
BERT-CNN-LSTM | 40 | 90.38% | 93.98% | 93.53% | 309 |
BERT-BiLSTM-CRF | 40 | 92.68% | 90.31% | 91.48% | 443 |
BERT-BiGRU-CRF | 40 | 91.11% | 91.03% | 91.07% | 441 |
BERT-BiGRU-SelfAtt-CRF | 40 | 91.62% | 90.69% | 91.13% | 459 |
模型 | 训练周期 | 精确率 | 召回率 | F1值 | 消耗时间/min |
CNN-LSTM | 50 | 30.95% | 19.70% | 24.07% | 0.68 |
BiLSTM-CRF | 50 | 68.92% | 71.21% | 69.79% | 7.15 |
BiGRU-CRF | 50 | 61.83% | 68.18% | 64.51% | 2.62 |
BiGRU-SelfAtt-CRF | 50 | 64.90% | 69.27% | 66.74% | 3.27 |
BERT-CNN-LSTM | 10 | 78.57% | 65.67% | 71.54% | 10.28 |
BERT-BiLSTM-CRF | 10 | 78.12% | 74.63% | 76.34% | 17.22 |
BERT-BiGRU-CRF | 10 | 79.69% | 76.12% | 77.86% | 16.10 |
BERT-BiGRU-SelfAtt-CRF | 10 | 82.45% | 79.03% | 80.72% | 17.23 |
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