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Current Issue

    20 December 2023, Volume 39 Issue 12
    Key technologies in physical layer of 6G wireless communications
    Shanjin NI, Liang SHEN, Shan NING, Xin WAN
    2023, 39(12):  1-18.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2023250
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    6G technologies are expected to be deployed commercially around 2030.It is expected that 6G will provide performance superior to 5G in the key performance indicators, such as traffic density, connection density, and energy efficiency.In order to meet the personalized and diversified requirements of vertical industries in 2030 and beyond, 6G will adopt many new technologies, such as new network architecture, new physical layer wireless transmission technologies, and new security sustainability technologies.Starting from the potential key technologies in physical layer of 6G, terahertz (THz), ultra-large-scale multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), intelligent reflecting surface (IRS), and physical security were introduced mainly.In addition, the challenges of potential key technologies of 6G were briefly introduced, which were expected to provide some reference for future 6G physical layer-related research.

    A survey of vehicular edge computing
    Xuefei PENG, Aohui LIU
    2023, 39(12):  19-28.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2023262
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    With the explosive growth of computation-intensive and latency-sensitive vehicular applications, the centralized cloud architecture was faced with high workload and task latency congestion.In order to ensure service quality, vehicular edge computing emerged.The computing paradigm enabled the migration of computational power and storage resources to edge servers or edge gateways that were closer to the data source.By performing real-time data processing and decision-making at the edge nodes, significant reduction in data transmission latency was achieved.Firstly, the basic concept of vehicular edge computing was introduced, followed by a review and classification of existing research.Finally, prospects and future research directions for vehicular edge computing were discussed.

    Research and Development
    Unlicensed spectrum communication technology and future spectrum requirement
    Shengli LIU, Guanding YU
    2023, 39(12):  29-41.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2023256
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    With the progress of information and communication technology (ICT) as well as the increasing data traffic, there is an increasing need for more unlicensed spectrum resources to support wireless communication and the development of the Internet of things.To study the future development direction and demand of unlicensed spectrum, the current unlicensed spectrum policies, unlicensed spectrum communication technologies, and several specific application scenarios of unlicensed spectrum communication were firstly introduced.Then, by taking the next-generation Wi-Fi and ultra wideband (UWB) technologies as examples, the future demand for unlicensed spectrum was analyzed based on the data traffic prediction of current applications.The results show that more unlicensed spectrum resources on 6 GHz and 60 GHz are required to meet the needs of future applications, such as augmented reality/virtual reality (AR/VR), high-precision positioning, and 8K high-definition video transmission.Finally, the future development trends of unlicensed spectrum were discussed, these technologies such as interference management are key to improve the efficiency of unlicensed spectrum.

    Unsupervised anomaly detection of indoor location signals based on self-attention
    Jianghua YUAN, Haojun AI
    2023, 39(12):  42-52.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2023258
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    Indoor fingerprint location technology based on radio signal is widely used in the field of indoor location because of high accuracy and low deployment cost.The change of indoor signal environment will directly affect the positioning accuracy.The deep neural network is also used in anomaly detection of time series data.On this basis, an unsupervised indoor location signal anomaly detection model based on self-attention mechanism was proposed.The input of model is normal fingerprint data that can be easily obtained without location tags.The attention module of the model focuses on extracting the correlation between different signal sources in the fingerprint data.It amplifies the distinguishability between normal and abnormal by combining the association errors and reconstruction errors, thus improving the accuracy of indoor location signal detection.The performance of the proposed model was evaluated in a bluetooth signal dataset collected in the laboratory and a public Wi-Fi dataset named UJIIndoorLoc.The experimental results show that the proposed model has the best anomaly detection performance compared to other algorithms.

    Fault diagnosis method for 5G networks based on data and knowledge
    Qingya PAN, Heng ZHANG, Wenjie LIU, Xiaorong ZHU
    2023, 39(12):  53-64.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2023257
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    Aiming at the low accuracy and operation and maintenance efficiency of existing 5G network fault diagnosis, a 5G network fault diagnosis algorithm based on data and knowledge was proposed.Firstly, the graph convolutional network (GCN) model was used to train the 5G network fault data set, and the fault diagnosis model was obtained.Then, a 5G network fault knowledge graph (KG) was constructed through knowledge integration, knowledge extraction, knowledge fusion and representation of multi-source data sources.Finally, by using knowledge graph to analyze the output results of fault diagnosis model, fault report could be generated, and the interpretability of fault diagnosis model output could be improved.The proposed method provides a new accurate and efficient solution for 5G network fault diagnosis, and the experiment shows that the accuracy of the fault model reaches 95%.In addition, the 5G network fault knowledge map can provide support for operations and maintenance personnel to help them analyze the causes of failures.

    Data transmission strategy based on transmission loss function in C-V2X network
    Yi HAO, Lei HUANG
    2023, 39(12):  65-75.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2023244
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    Cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) is an important direction of the development of intelligent and connected vehicles.In order to improve the quality of data transmission in the communication process, the average end-to-end communication delay, delay jitter degree and packet loss rate were calculated, and a transmission loss function was proposed to represent the performance of the system.A dedicated short range communication (DSRC) short message (DSM) data transmission strategy based on transmission loss function was designed and implemented, and it was compared with transparent transmission strategy.The test results show that compared with the transparent transmission strategy, the transmission loss of the proposed data transmission strategy decreases by 48.95%, 52.96%, 47.79% and 50.86% under the four scenarios of static straight track, static curve, dynamic straight track and dynamic curve.The proposed message transmission strategy ensures the comprehensive optimization of the effectiveness, stability and reliability of the direct network communication.

    Analysis of the outage probability for mixed PLC-FSO communication systems
    Ji ZHANG, Su XU, Yanghua DIAO, Zhi CHEN, Baohui YU
    2023, 39(12):  76-84.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2023198
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    The outage probability of a mixed power line communication and free-space optical communication (PLC-FSO) system with multiuser was investigated.First of all, by assumption that PLC link was affected by both additive background noise and impulsive noise, and FSO link was affected by the pointing error, a mixed PLC-FSO communication system model in multiuser scenario was established and the output signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the system was obtained with threshold-based decode-and-forward (DF) protocol.Next, by considering the PLC link obeyed lognormal distribution, while the FSO link obeyed Gamma-Gamma distribution, the closed-form outage probability expression for the considered system was analyzed.Furthermore, the asymptotic outage probability formula at high SNR was also derived to show the diversity order and array gain of the considered system.Finally, computer simulations were provided to validate the correctness of the theoretical analysis, and the influence of related parameters on system performance was also analyzed.As a result, it provides guidance for the entire system design.

    Design of truthful and efficient auction mechanisms for feature-dimension-as-a-service in vertical federated learning
    Zhongyi LAI, Zhengwei NI, Shaohan FENG
    2023, 39(12):  85-99.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2023260
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    The vertical federated learning (VFL) architecture was considered, and an auction mechanism using feature dimensions as resources was designed.The mechanism included a trusted third-party central control as the auctioneer and several task demanders as bidders.To prevent fraudulent bidding, the optimal feature-dimension-as-a-service (Optimal-FDaaS) based on the Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) mechanism was introduced, and the auction winner was determined through integer linear programming.This mechanism maximized social benefits but had high computational complexity.To reduce this, greedy-feature-dimension-as-a-service (Greedy-FDaaS) was proposed.Both mechanisms ensured three properties: truthfulness, individual rationality, and efficiency.Finally, simulation analysis was provided to prove the effectiveness of the proposed mechanisms.

    Research on quantum secure communication application service system
    Ye TIAN, Shen HE, Dezhi LI, Li SU, Haitao DU
    2023, 39(12):  100-109.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2023263
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    Quantum key distribution (QKD) based quantum secure communication can withstand the security challenges brought by quantum computing and has now entered the stage of industrial-scale application.However, due to the limitations of the QKD network architecture and service capabilities, the current system cannot meet the development requirements of future quantum secure communication in business diversification, user scale, ubiquitous applications and so on.To address this issue, a quantum secure communication application service system architecture model and mechanism was proposed, which implemented unified management of quantum keys and supported various types of user devices and applications to obtain quantum keys in various ways flexibly and securely.This system decoupled the QKD network from the upper-layer applications by introducing a quantum security service layer and coordinated the development of the QKD network and the development of secure communication services effectively, which was conducive to promoting the large-scale application of quantum secure communication.

    Secure efficient privacy-preserving publicly verifiable outsourced computation scheme for matrix multiplication
    Shoudao SUN, Shen YANG, Yiheng CHEN, Qiang WANG
    2023, 39(12):  110-121.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2023251
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    Outsourced computation allows data owners with limited resources to delegate complex computations to resource-rich cloud servers.Matrix multiplication has important applications in scientific computing and cryptography.Verifiable outsourced computation for matrix multiplication enables data owners to outsource the matrix M and the request vector x to untrusted cloud servers for multiplication computation, while verifying the correctness and integrity of the computation results returned by the cloud server.However, existing solutions fail to simultaneously address the following issues: privacy of the outsourced matrix M, privacy of the request vector x, lack of support for public verification, and inefficiency for practical applications.To tackle these problems, proposes a secure efficient privacy-preserving publicly verifiable outsourced computation scheme for matrix multiplication was proposed, and formal definitions and security definitions for the model were provided.Matrix blinding techniques were used to preserve the privacy of the outsourced matrix M and the request vector x, while algebraic pseudorandom functions were employed to achieve public verification of the computation results and overall efficiency of the scheme.Theoretical and experimental results demonstrate that compared with the existing schemes, the proposed scheme not only guarantees the privacy of outsourced matrix M and request vector x, but also supports public verification, which offers more comprehensive functionality.At the same time, the overall computation efficiency of the proposed scheme is higher, which can improve at least 14% compared with existing schemes, and has higher practical value.

    Engineering and Application
    Cloud-edge collaboration service deployment optimization based on log observability
    Mengyu SUN, Rui LIN
    2023, 39(12):  122-132.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2023254
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    Relying on cloud native capabilities including micro-services and containerization, digital services can be partitioned into fine-grained micro-service modules, and micro-service deployment strategy can be optimized through cloud-edge collaboration.Generally, edge computing reduces network response latency and running overhead through expanding computing resources to the edge of network.However, edge devices have limited computing and storage capacity, which is usually difficult to fulfill types of resource requirements for composed micro-services.Therefore, achieving micro-service functionalities division on the cloud and edge devices is a necessary means to improve quality of service and optimize network performance.A service configuration optimization approach for cloud-edge collaboration based on log observability was proposed to complete the reasonable configuration of micro-service modules.A timed micro-service-based process model was constructed, and connected relations between micro-services were discovered by a temporal constraints mining algorithm.A multi-objective optimization algorithm was adopted to minimum service delay and energy consumption for optimizing the micro-service deployment in the cloud-edge network.The effectiveness of the approach was verified by experiments.

    A deployment scheme of 5G fusion campus network
    Wei SUN
    2023, 39(12):  133-143.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2023255
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    Under the background of implementing the digital education action strategic, the development direction of universities informatization is intelligence, digitalization, large bandwidth and cloud storage.Under the new situation, the traditional university campus network has been unable to better serve the management of teaching and scientific research in universities.The customized private network of 5G provides a convenient and safe networking scheme for universities.The scene characteristics of the university campus network was analyzed, the two key techniques in 5G fusion campus network were discussed, including dual-domain access and disaster recovery technique of 5GC.Finally, an 5G fusion campus network deployment scheme for a university in Fujian was provided and validated, which could be a reference for the construction of the 5G fusion campus network.

    5G+ Beidou high-precision positioning service quality test scheme and the cause of quality difference
    Maosheng YAN, Xuegang LIU, Wei LIU, Xuejun MA, Yihan SHI, Biao MA, Tianren LI
    2023, 39(12):  144-151.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2023259
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    With the development of Beidou navigation industry and the mature construction of Beidou satellite global networking, the application of 5G+ Beidou high-precision positioning services in industries such as surveying and mapping, deformation monitoring, driving test driving training, and automatic driving is in the stage of large-scale promotion.The demand for high-precision positioning product service quality evaluation from industry customers is gradually emerging.The existing evaluation methods focus on reference stations and receiver terminals, which cannot provide reference for industry customers in using or how to choose high-precision positioning services.Therefore, a high-precision positioning service quality evaluation system for industry applications is needed to provide reference for industry applications.A set of evaluation index systems was innovatively proposed, especially combining the definition in 3GPP Release17 and the needs of industry customers such as automotive companies, to build a complete category index system, and it was verified in different regions and scenarios nationwide.By processing a large amount of data results, the impact of masking environment on terminal devices in dynamic movement, high-precision positioning platforms, and terminal adaptation, which were more concerned by industry users, were analyzed, and optimization suggestions for improving service quality were provided.In addition, the service quality under the condition of single Beidou was compared and analyzed.

    Expert number prediction model based on BPNN regression algorithm
    Tianwen SHANG, Jianwei ZHANG, Haochen HUANG
    2023, 39(12):  152-160.  doi:10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2023252
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    To meet the development demands of digital technology for the new power system and enhance the data value, mining, and analytics capabilities for power industry in the process of centralized bidding and procurement digitalization and intelligence, a prediction model based on BPNN regression algorithm from the perspective of the bidder was proposed.Firstly, an in-depth investigation of the current situation of expert selection for power industry bidding and procurement was conducted, and it was discovered that predicting the required number of experts is challenging.Secondly, expert demand was efficiently located based on the existing procurement needs and strategies, and the required number of experts was rapidly predicted by analyzing and learning from historical data.Finally, the prediction accuracy of the model in the pre-qualification and post-qualification review stages was validated, providing practical reference and achieving the goal of reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

Copyright Information
Authorized by: China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsored by: China Institute of Communications
Posts and Telecom Press Co., Ltd.
Publisher: Beijing Xintong Media Co., Ltd.
Editor-in-Chief: Chen Shanzhi
Editorial Director: Li Caishan
Address: F2, Beiyang Chenguang Building, Shunbatiao No.1 Courtyard, Fengtai District, Beijing, China
Postal Code: 100079
Tel: 010-53879277
Mailing Code: 2-397
ISSN 1000-0801
CN 11-2103/TN
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