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Notice to Authors

  • 1. Submit

          To submit a manuscript, please visit the website of Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology at, click the button "Author Login", and use the Academic Journal Management System. For a new user, please register an "Author Account" first and follow the guidance to submit a manuscript.

          The detailed contact information of the first author and corresponding author is required (please promptly inform the editorial office of any change of contacting addresses). The authors may recommend 3-5 qualified reviewers and/or request the exclusion of specific reviewers. Duplicate submission is forbidden. In this case, we will inform the authors institution and the relevant journal.

    Reference: Content Template    Author Information and Introduction Template

    2. Peer Reviewing

          All submissions will be reviewed by referees. The decision of acceptance or rejection of a manuscript is made by the editor in chief based on the referees' reports. The entire review process may take 2 to 3 months, and the editorial office will inform the author of the decision as soon as the process is completed. If the editorial office fails to make a decision within 3 months, it is up to the authors to decide whether they would withdraw their paper and submit it elsewhere.

    3. Acceptance

          For the paper with a great breakthrough result, quick publication will be arranged.

    4. Publication

          Generally speaking, articles accepted will be published online first. Each manuscript is citable with its DOI number. The printed version will be released with issue and page number according to annual plan.

    5. Fees

          Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology is an open access journal without article processing fees (APCs). A publications fee is required for each publication. Page charges are 400 RMB for each page.

    6. Copyright Policy

          The author agrees to automatically transfer the copyright of the paper to the editorial department of the journal including the rights of electronic publishing, multimedia publishing, online publishing and other forms of publishing.

    ReferenceCopyright Transfer Agreement

    7. Archiving

          The electronic version of Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology is backed up in CSCD, CSTPC, SCOPUS, DOAJ, EBSCO, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, EBSCO, CNKI, Wanfang Data, VIP and Superstar Journal. If the journal is no longer published, the published contents of Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology can be viewed and downloaded from these databases.

    8. Open Access Policy

          Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology is an open access journal without article processing charges (APCs). The journal allows any non-commercial users to read, download, copy, transfer, print, retrieve, hyperlink, and index the literature in the journal. The source of references should be indicated when citing the contents of this journal. Each article can be loaded individually in PDF-format free of charge immediately after their initial publication and also the full text of each issue is available for anyone.


    9. License Policy

          Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology uses creative Commons to allow third-party users to share by Attribution(BY) - NonCommercial(NC) - NoDerivatives(ND) (CC BY-NC-ND). Published articles can be made public immediately and are permanently accessible free of charge on the official website (, allowing users to read, download, copy, print, search, or obtain a link to the full text of the articles, or use them for other legitimate purposes, but the other party must retain the author's signature of the original work during these processes. The above acts are only limited to non-commercial purposes, and no deductive creation is allowed. At the same time, the author can also use the article for any non-commercial purposes, No profit.

          Author Rights: For open access publishing, Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology uses a Copyright Transfer Agreement. After the manuscript is accepted, the author needs to sign a Copyright Transfer Policy with the editorial department, but the author has the right to allow third parties to share their articles (such as stored in the institutional repository) in accordance with the Creative Commons license agreement. At the same time, the author can also use the article for other non-commercial purposes, No profit.

    10. Appeals

    If the authors have any objections to the results of the journal, please submit a written application for review to the editorial department within 5 working days from the date of receiving the results. The editorial department is responsible for inviting the experts to review the manuscript and notifying the authors of the final decision in time.

    11. Corrections

    If errors are found in the published papers, especially those that may affect the interpretation of data or information (excluding major errors in main idea or conclusions), the journal will publish a correction notice in time.

    The authors and readers are encouraged to contract the editorial department if they find any errors or have enough reason to be concerned about the legitimacy of a published paper.

    12. Retractions

    If a published paper is found to have legal infringement, defamation or other legal restrictions, or have academic misconduct, the journal will withdraw the paper from the journal website and all databases, and publish a retraction notice.

  • 2020-02-06 Visited: 2476