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Publication Ethics

  • Authors' responsibilities:

    1. Authors should report original researches truly and objectively, no plagiarism, no fraudulent use of data, without duplicate submission.

    2. Content of the submission should conform to the scopes of Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology. Submission should be permitted to be peer-reviewed according to the requirements of Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology. Authors should provide initial data or source code when they are needed.

    3. The authorship of the manuscript should truly reflect the authors' work and contribution. The authors should meet at least one of the following conditions:

    Make substantial contributions to the ideas, experimental research, data collection and result analysis;

    Write the manuscript or make critical revisions to important academic content;

    Conduct final review and finalization of the manuscript for publication.

    For those contributors who have made contributions to the manuscript (including offering funding, supporting conditions, management supervision, none substantive data, etc.) but do not meet the above conditions, it is recommend to include them in the acknowledgement.

    4. All copyright owners should agree to sign a Copyright Transfer Agreement. Authors should permit sharing the paper and research data in proper database or the original publishing source.

    5. Authors should properly cite the reproduced content from other sources after acquiring permission. If the work is supported by a fund, its full name should be listed. It is authors duty to provide published papers which have overlap or closed relationship to the submission.

    6. Authors should ensure that any studies involving human or animal subjects conform to national (such as WMA Declaration of Helsinki), local, and institutional laws and requirements.

    7. Authors can declare to avoid or recommend reviewers in the manuscript submitting stage.

    8. The format of the manuscript should follow the writing guideline of Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology, composite the manuscript by word.

    9. Authors should notify the journal editor or publisher promptly if a significant error in their publications is identified. Authors should also cooperate with the editors to publish an erratum, corrigendum, or to retract the paper, where it is deemed appropriate.

    10. The author is responsible for disclosing any conflicts of interest that may affect their objective research. This includes benefits related to the economy (such as holding patents and stocks, consulting fees, lecture fees), personal, political, intellectual or religious interests.

    Editors' responsibilities:

    1. Through the Editorial System, send the submission to proper Editorial Board member for selecting peer reviewers. Follow the recommendation of Editorial Board member, send the submission to peer reviewers. Send the summarized peer reviewersopinions and the manuscript back to the Editorial Board member to justify and make the decision: accept, accept with minor revision, reevaluate after major revision, reject. Send the manuscript to be accepted to Editor-in-Chief for final decision.

    2. Avoid the peer reviewers with conflict interests in the peer review process. Follow the authors' request of avoiding specific experts to review the submission, if it is deemed reasonable and available.

    3. Editorial Office has the right to decide to accept or reject a submission independently, while such decision should not be based upon the private opinion of editors. Unless serious misconducts or mistakes arise, editors should not change the original decision to a manuscript.

    4. Handle submissions for special issues (special columns) or invited submissions in the same way as other submissions, so that articles are considered and accepted based on solely on their academic merit, without other influence.

    5. Give entire, detailed, and clear revising suggestions for manuscript to be accepted or to be revised. If the author disagrees with any changes made to the article, editors should give the author response to any complaints, and communicate comprehensively with author to reach the agreement of changes.

    6. Find and end the academic misconduct through CNKI sci-tech periodical academic misconduct checking system.

    7. Collect evidence; investigate for the published papers which involve academic misconduct. Publish erratum or corrigendum, or retract the published papers according to the severity of the misconduct. Then action should be declared on Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology website.

    8. Protect the confidentiality of submitted manuscripts before publishing.

    9. Upload the final version to the website of Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology timely, and upload the final version to the CNKI and Wanfang Data at the same time, for the convenience of fellow readers.

    10. Act in balanced, objective, and fair way to authors, reviewers, and Editorial Board members. Keep friendly connections with all the parties associated with Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology.

    11. Answer every question from readers, authors, or any other parties timely and record the answers in related documents.

    12. Protect and update the private information of authors and reviewers, develop new reviewers on regular bases.

    13. Maintain an active Editorial Board who made contributions, and find new authors to improve the journal in addition to inviting high level literature reviews and holding Editorial Board meetings to get helpful suggestions.

    14. Hard copies of the issue and the remuneration will be sent to the corresponding author after the paper published.

    15. Editors of Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology cannot submit papers to this journal.

    16. Adhere to the principle of confidentiality, and protect the authors submission information and the personal information of peer reviewers and the editors in the editorial department during the blind review process.

    Reviewers' responsibilities:

    1. Giving objective, detailed, and clear comments to assist Editorial Board members in improving the quality of the paper timely.

    2. Being aware of any potential conflicts of interest (financial, institutional or other relationships that might lead to bias or a conflict of interest) and to alert the editor without retaining or copying the manuscripts.

    3. Alerting the editor to any published or submitted articles which are substantially similar to that under review.

    4. Giving clear reasonable decision suggestion to editors and specific modifying suggestions to authors to improve the quality of the manuscript.

    5. Must not disclose information about manuscripts to anyone, other than the authors. Reviewers should not use knowledge of the manuscript before its publication to further their own interests.

    6. Reviewers also have the right to confidentiality; their personal information and their comments will remain anonymous to authors.


    Editorial Board members' responsibilities:

    1. The members are obligated to select proper peer reviewers for the manuscript based on their specialty.

    2. The members should follow the recruitment criteria of Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology to decide should the submission be accepted, accepted with minor revision, reviewed after major revision, or rejected without revision. The decision should be clear and rational.

    3. The Editorial Board takes all necessary steps to maintain the accuracy and quality of the papers published in Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology.

    Sponsor's or Publisher's responsibilities:

    1. Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology is sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and Posts & Telecom Press. The requirements of sponsors and publishers for the journal are obeying the academic publishing ethics standard, publishing the accurate, timely, fair, and ethical publication of scientific papers, and improving communication in the information security community.

    2. The publishing organization can not intervene in the decision-making power of editors.

    3. All the published contents of the journal are open accessed at the website of Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology at

  • 2020-02-06 Visited: 1544