Telecommunications Science ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (6): 1-13.doi: 10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2020181

• Viewpoint Focus •     Next Articles

Analysis of LEO satellite communication and suggestions for its development strategy in China

Shanzhi CHEN   

  1. China Information and Communication Technology Group Co.,Ltd.(CICT),Beijing 100191,China
  • Revised:2020-06-09 Online:2020-06-20 Published:2020-06-18


The review on the development in 5G and LEO satellite communications was given on multi aspects.The role of LEO satellite communication in 5G was positioned as a complement,not yet as the main role.The proposals were thus given based on the analysis of the application requirements,technologies and the industrial level regarding to the LEO satellite communication R&D in China.Suggestions for the development of LEO satellite communication in China as:“compatible with 5G,integrated within 6G” were put forward.The development process could be divided into two steps.In the first step,the current LEO satellite communication system could be developed mostly based on the 5G technologies and compatibility,the maximumly reuse of 5G key technologies,the cost reduction from the scale economy effect of 5G,and finally the LEO advantages achieved from the differentiation between 5G and LEO.In the second step,the terrestrial mobile communication and the high,medium and low orbit satellite communications would be harmony integrated in 6G.The final suggestions were of two efforts and two cooperations:encouraging application and getting more frequency resources and satellite orbit resources,the international cooperation and the domestic cooperation,to accelerate the industrial maturity and to achieve commercial success.

Key words: LEO satellite communication, satellite internet, 5G, 6G, compatibility with 5G, integration within 6G, economics of scale

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