大数据 ›› 2024, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (1): 46-61.doi: 10.11959/j.issn.2096-0271.2023079
• 研究 • 上一篇
徐道柱1, 赵凯琳2, 康栋3, 马超1, 冯禹铭2, 李紫宣2, 弋步荣3, 靳小龙2
徐道柱(1982- ),男,博士,西安测绘研究所副研究员,主要研究方向为地理信息处理与应用。Daozhu XU1, Kailin ZHAO2, Dong KANG3, Chao MA1, Yuming FENG2, Zixuan LI2, Burong YI3, Xiaolong JIN2
徐道柱, 赵凯琳, 康栋, 马超, 冯禹铭, 李紫宣, 弋步荣, 靳小龙. 面向低资源场景的实体知识获取研究综述[J]. 大数据, 2024, 10(1): 46-61.
Daozhu XU, Kailin ZHAO, Dong KANG, Chao MA, Yuming FENG, Zixuan LI, Burong YI, Xiaolong JIN. Survey on entity extraction for lowresource scenarios[J]. Big Data Research, 2024, 10(1): 46-61.
设置 | 模型 | We | Mu | P1 | Bo | Se | Re | Cr | 平均F1值 |
1-shot | L-TapNet+CDT[ | 71.53% | 60.56% | 66.27% | 84.54% | 76.27% | 70.79% | 62.89% | 70.41% |
ESD[ | 78.25% | 54.74% | 71.15% | 71.45% | 67.85% | 71.52% | 78.14% | 70.44% | |
DFS-NER[ | 77.61% | 65.21% | 72.39% | 89.31% | 78.11% | 72.65% | 67.50% | 74.68% | |
5-shot | L-TapNet+CDT[ | 71.64% | 67.16% | 75.88% | 84.38% | 82.58% | 70.05% | 73.41% | 75.01% |
ESD[ | 84.50% | 66.61% | 79.69% | 82.57% | 82.22% | 80.44% | 81.13% | 79.59% | |
DFS-NER[ | 80.42% | 76.81% | 84.52% | 90.02% | 86.79% | 78.32% | 84.81% | 83.10% |
设置 | 模型 | CoNLL-03 | GUM | WNUT-17 | OntoNotes 5.0 | 平均F1值 |
1-shot | L-TapNet+CDT[ | 44.30% | 12.04% | 20.80% | 15.17% | 23.08% |
DecomMetaNER[ | 46.09% | 17.54% | 25.14% | 34.13% | 30.73% | |
SpanProto[ | 47.70% | 19.92% | 28.31% | 36.41% | 33.09% | |
5-shot | L-TapNet+CDT[ | 45.35% | 11.65% | 23.30% | 20.95% | 25.31% |
DecomMetaNER[ | 58.18% | 31.36% | 31.02% | 45.55% | 41.53% | |
SpanProto[ | 61.88% | 35.12% | 33.94% | 48.21% | 44.79% |
模型 | INTRA(5-way) | INTRA(10-way) | INTER(5-way) | INTER(10-way) |
Proto[ | 20.76% | 15.05% | 38.83% | 32.45% |
NNShot[ | 25.78% | 18.27% | 47.24% | 38.87% |
StructShot[ | 30.21% | 21.03% | 51.88% | 43.34% |
L-TapNet+CDT[ | 25.81% | 18.02% | 41.44% | 36.80% |
DFS-NER[ | 35.41% | 20.31% | 48.03% | 34.38% |
CONTaiNER[ | 40.43% | 33.84% | 55.95% | 48.35% |
ESD[ | 36.08% | 30.00% | 59.29% | 52.16% |
DecomMetaNER[ | 49.48% | 42.84% | 64.75% | 58.65% |
SpanProto[ | 54.49% | 45.39% | 73.36% | 66.26% |
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