Telecommunications Science ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4): 30-38.doi: 10.11959/j.issn.1000-0801.2022076
• Topic: Satellite Network • Previous Articles Next Articles
Xing QI, Zhen LIU, Jiahui LIANG, Qiming ZHAO, Chang LIU
CLC Number:
Xing QI, Zhen LIU, Jiahui LIANG, Qiming ZHAO, Chang LIU. Research on a routing task planning algorithm for LEO remote sensing constellation[J]. Telecommunications Science, 2022, 38(4): 30-38.
序号 | 卫星ID | 开始时间 | 结束时间 | 数据量/MB |
1 | xxy_0101 | 03:50:43 | 03:52:43 | 137 279 |
2 | xxy_0102 | 15:50:18 | 15:53:02 | 188 057 |
3 | xxy_0103 | 15:44:21 | 15:47:18 | 203 414 |
4 | xxy_0104 | 15:38:31 | 15:41:30 | 204 634 |
5 | xxy_0105 | 15:32:49 | 15:35:35 | 189 270 |
6 | xxy_0106 | 15:27:22 | 15:29:32 | 149 602 |
7 | xxy_0107 | 15:22:03 | 15:23:19 | 87 798 |
8 | xxy_0108 | 没有时间窗口 | ||
9 | xxy_0109 | 没有时间窗口 | ||
10 | xxy_0110 | 没有时间窗口 | ||
11 | xxy_0111 | 04:26:13 | 04:27:55 | 116 669 |
12 | xxy_0112 | 04:19:56 | 04:22:26 | 172 644 |
13 | xxy_0113 | 04:13:51 | 04:16:47 | 172 644 |
14 | xxy_0114 | 04:07:54 | 04:10:59 | 212 665 |
15 | xxy_0115 | 04:02:03 | 04:05:04 | 207 612 |
16 | xxy_0116 | 03:56:19 | 03:59:01 | 186 771 |
17 | xxy_0201 | 05:25:13 | 05:26:45 | 105 027 |
18 | xxy_0202 | 17:24:38 | 17:27:27 | 194 135 |
19 | xxy_0203 | 17:18:43 | 17:21:42 | 205 393 |
20 | xxy_0204 | 17:12:55 | 17:15:52 | 202 075 |
21 | xxy_0205 | 17:07:17 | 17:09:55 | 181 036 |
22 | xxy_0206 | 17:01:52 | 17:03:50 | 134 998 |
23 | xxy_0207 | 16:56:36 | 16:57:31 | 63 087 |
24 | xxy_0208 | 没有时间窗口 | ||
25 | xxy_0209 | 没有时间窗口 | ||
26 | xxy_0210 | 没有时间窗口 | ||
27 | xxy_0211 | 06:00:26 | 06:02:25 | 136 150 |
28 | xxy_0212 | 05:54:13 | 05:56:53 | 183 365 |
29 | xxy_0213 | 05:48:11 | 05:51:11 | 206 798 |
30 | xxy_0214 | 05:42:16 | 05:45:21 | 212 782 |
31 | xxy_0215 | 05:36:27 | 05:39:24 | 203 502 |
32 | xxy_0216 | 05:30:44 | 05:33:19 | 177 156 |
33 | xxy_0301 | 06:59:48 | 07:00:35 | 53 951 |
34 | xxy_0302 | 18:58:59 | 19:01:52 | 198 765 |
35 | xxy_0303 | 18:53:06 | 18:56:06 | 206 066 |
36 | xxy_0304 | 18:47:21 | 18:50:13 | 198 074 |
37 | xxy_0305 | 18:41:46 | 18:44:14 | 170 264 |
38 | xxy_0306 | 18:36:24 | 18:38:07 | 117 087 |
39 | xxy_0307 | 18:31:23 | 18:31:28 | 5 911 |
40 | xxy_0308 | 没有时间窗口 | ||
41 | xxy_0309 | 没有时间窗口 | ||
42 | xxy_0310 | 07:41:16 | 07:42:14 | 65 508 |
43 | xxy_0311 | 07:34:42 | 07:36:53 | 151 052 |
44 | xxy_0312 | 07:28:32 | 07:31:19 | 191 754 |
45 | xxy_0313 | 07:22:32 | 07:25:35 | 209 922 |
46 | xxy_0314 | 07:16:38 | 07:19:43 | 211 790 |
47 | xxy_0315 | 07:10:51 | 07:13:44 | 198 422 |
48 | xxy_0316 | 07:05:10 | 07:07:35 | 165 648 |
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