Telecommunications Science ›› 2011, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (10): 1-12.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-0801.2011.10.001

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Ubiquitous Shared Mobile Broadband Network Architecture

Xiaoqing Huang1,Hui Zhang2,Xiaoyu Liu1,Jinglei Liu1,Minpeng Qi1   

  1. 1 China Mobile Research Institute,Beijing 100053,China
    2 Innofidei Inc.Beijing,Beijing 100084,China
  • Online:2011-10-15 Published:2011-10-15


Today's public safety networks are designed mostly for trunk radio and originated from original 2G equivalent type of digital radio technology.These networks provide mainly voice communication and limited data communication in limited coverage.In addition,today' public safety networks are not interoperable and do not support inter-agency collaborations.Now the law enforcement forces and governmental agencies face the challenge of multi-organization collaboration and multi-unit common platform which accomplishes the interoperability and roaming among commercial networks and public safety networks of different agencies,more importantly,capable of supporting Internet based applications,such as images,video,and large data transfer.LTE,with its advantages of high throughput,low latency and bandwidth flexibility,is emerging as the unquestionable champion of future mobile broadband technology.By leveraging the technology advantage of LTE standard and its flat IP architecture,this paper proposes a new concept in building public safety networks and meeting the challenges:ubiquitous shared mobile broadband network(USMBN).Its conceptual overview,network architecture,security,novel services and benefits are introduced.The strategies to develop USMBN are also proposed and discussed in this paper.

Key words: private mobile communication network, LTE, evolved packet core, security, ubiquitous shared mobile broadband network

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