With the large-scale integration of new energy devices, the fragility, openness and uncertainty of the bulk power grid system have increased significantly, and the system management and control are facing significant challenges.Constructing a parallel grid based on the idea of parallel systems and metaverse to form an intelligent bulk power grid management and control theoretical approach of virtual-real integration is one way to solve the above problems.The basic framework of the parallel power grid system MetaGrid was introduced, the key technologies of the parallel power grid system were analyzed, and the potential application scenarios of the parallel power grid were prospected.Based on the 300-nodes thermal stability case, a prototype of a parallel grid application case was provided.It is expected that by constructing a parallel grid system, the real grid system will be accurately modeled, and with the help of large-scales computational experiments and parallel execution, the virtual-real interaction between the real grid system and the artificial grid system will be realized, and the power system will be promoted from simulation-dependent control to parallel grid-based intelligent management and control.