Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology ›› 2021, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (4): 399-411.doi: 10.11959/j.issn.2096-6652.202140
• Surveys and Prospectives • Previous Articles Next Articles
Linhui LI1,2, Bin ZHOU1, Weiwei REN1, Jing LIAN1,2
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Linhui LI, Bin ZHOU, Weiwei REN, et al. Review of pedestrian trajectory prediction methods[J]. Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology, 2021, 3(4): 399-411.
方法 | 参考文献序号 | 评价指标(ADE值/FDE值) | |||||
ETH | Hotel | Univ | Zara1 | Zara2 | 平均值 | ||
Linear | [24] | 1.33/2.94 | 0.39/0.72 | 0.82/1.59 | 0.62/1.21 | 0.77/1.48 | 0.79/1.59 |
S-LSTM | [24] | 1.09/2.35 | 0.79/1.76 | 0.67/1.40 | 0.47/1.00 | 0.56/1.17 | 0.72/1.54 |
O-LSTM | [24] | 1.05/2.21 | 0.81/1.68 | 0.71/1.45 | 0.47/1.02 | 0.64/1.25 | 0.74/1.52 |
S-RNN | [45] | 2.72/4.60 | 0.85/1.35 | 1.05/2.20 | 1.60/3.50 | 1.45/3.00 | 1.53/2.93 |
Social-attention | [50] | 3.60/4.70 | 0.79/1.44 | 1.30/2.66 | 0.95/2.05 | 1.00/2.14 | 1.53/3.52 |
S-GAN | [29] | 0.81/1.52 | 0.72/1.61 | 0.60/1.26 | 0.34/0.69 | 0.42/0.84 | 0.58/1.18 |
S-GAN-P | [29] | 0.87/1.62 | 0.67/1.37 | 0.76/1.52 | 0.35/0.68 | 0.42/0.84 | 0.61/1.21 |
Sophie | [32] | 0.70/1.43 | 0.76/1.67 | 0.54/1.24 | 0.30/0.63 | 0.38/0.78 | 0.54/1.15 |
Social-ways | [30] | 0.39/0.64 | 0.39/0.66 | 0.55/1.31 | 0.44/0.64 | 0.51/0.92 | 0.46/0.82 |
GAT | [33] | 0.68/1.29 | 0.68/1.40 | 0.57/1.29 | 0.29/0.60 | 0.37/0.75 | 0.52/1.07 |
STGAT | [51] | 0.70/1.35 | 0.37/0.67 | 0.59/1.23 | 0.35/0.69 | 0.31/0.64 | 0.47/0.92 |
Social-BiGAT | [33] | 0.69/1.29 | 0.49/1.01 | 0.55/1.32 | 0.30/0.62 | 0.36/0.75 | 0.48/1.00 |
NEXT | [36] | 0.73/1.65 | 0.30/0.59 | 0.60/1.27 | 0.38/0.81 | 0.31/0.68 | 0.46/1.00 |
TPNet-20 | [37] | 0.84/1.73 | 0.24/0.46 | 0.42/0.94 | 0.33/0.75 | 0.26/0.60 | 0.42/0.90 |
Social-STGCNN | [46] | 0.64/1.11 | 0.79/0.85 | 0.44/0.79 | 0.34/0.53 | 0.30/0.48 | 0.44/0.75 |
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