Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology ›› 2020, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (3): 214-226.doi: 10.11959/j.issn.2096-6652.202024
• Surveys and Prospectives • Previous Articles Next Articles
Hongfeng CHAI1,Shuai WANG1,3,Xiaojun TU1,Quan SUN1(),Xiaofeng MA2,Jie WU3,Hua CAI1,Xiaolong ZHENG4,Fei-Yue WANG4
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Hongfeng CHAI, Shuai WANG, Xiaojun TU, et al. Intelligent innovative regulatory tools on financial technology:concept,platform framework,and prospects[J]. Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology, 2020, 2(3): 214-226.
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